2025 RULES
You must have a MWEDT $25 membership or a $5 day pass.
Rider entry fees:
PRO $100
PRO-AM $80
AM $40
It is the duty and the responsibility of the riders to determine the class in which he
or she belongs in. MWEDT officials will not move someone up just because they are fast. You must have proof that a rider rode in a higher class in a national. If you ride in Pro or Pro-Am in any
local series, you will not be allowed in B OR C class. If you won A, B, C class points in the previous year, you are required to move up.
Age as of January 1, 2025, will determine your age group/class. Age as of rider January 1st and/or time of event. No Exceptions. No write in will be accepted
There can be no changing of machines. START OF RACE will be defined as FIRST ATTEMPTED START, even if it results in a complete restart. A Rider must ride the same quad in the main event that was ridden in the heat race. If a different quad is ridden in the main event than was ridden in the heat, the rider must start from penalty line as designated by the race official. It is the rider’s responsibility to inform an MWEDT official if the rider is switching bikes, failure to do so can be subjected to DQ.
All events will run qualifying heats and a main event. The number of riders in heats will be determined by track width, with a minimum of 60” per machine. All riders in heats will get a front-row start. (maximum 10 riders) If there are more riders in a class than can be accommodated on the starting line, multiple heats will be run. If there are 21 or more riders, one or more LCQ’s will be run.
The riders meeting will be before any practice or race. All riders must attend. If you have a child that races, the parent must be present with the racer.
10 bonus points will be added at the end of the year total if you have perfect attendance for that season.
Heats are timed. The winner of the fastest heat will get first pick in the main, and the winner of the next fastest heat will get second pick in the main, and so on. Equal number of riders from each heat race will transfer to the main, leaving a fewer number transferring from the LCQ’s. No more than 20 will participate in the main.
***(If a push start is required, permission must be obtained from the referee or staging official to cross line prior to start of the race) ***
A rider must be on the starting line or have a representative from his/her pit to call for 2 minutes. If no one is representing the rider, the MWEDT official will announce for the rider. At the end of line up, if the racer or his/her representative hasn’t showed up the race, the race will start without them. If the racer shows up after line up is complete, racer will start at rear of line up.
A rider must cross the start line to be scored for race-heat and main. If the rider misses the heat, as long as he’s signed up and quad was inspected, he/she may race main from penalty
row. The rider will have a last place starting position and receive no heat points. Nobody is allowed to sign the rider up but himself if he/she is of age.
***Nobody but the racer/official is allowed in the designated starting area. Excluding Youth & Women classes, you are only allowed to assist in the starting or working of the machine of who
the child/women is racing. Nothing else. This is for Youth and Women Class only.
Any rider whose tires/tire crosses the starting line before the start will be moved to the penalty line, and the position is left vacant on any subsequent start or restart of the race. The quad must remain on the track/staging during this time.
Cutting the course will be determined by MWEDT officials. You can not advance your position or time. If you cut the track in any way you must go back onto the track as you cut it or fall 2 positions to the rear. Failure to do this, the rider will be docked 2 positions. This infraction
will be judged on a case by case basis. If a race must be stopped because of a rider/riders obstructing the progress and safety of a race, that rider or riders will restart on penalty row or last place slots in single file start.
Single file start will take place after completion of one complete lap. Single file starts will be determined off the last completed lap. If a race has to be stopped, single file restarts, the
flagger will point at the 1st place leader, when the leader takes off, the race starts. No passing until you pass the flagger.
If for any reason the race must be stopped it may be considered complete if the leading rider has completed over 50% of the laps. Once the white flag is given the race cannot be restarted.
If the race event must be stopped due to weather, final race results will set according the finish positions in the heat race.
Lapped riders must move over or be black flagged. If a black flag has been given to a rider, the rider refuses to move over, the rider will be disqualified and score no points for the event.
DNS means did not start. A rider not crossing the starting line will receive DNS. DNF means did not finish. A rider who DNF’s will receive last place points in the main event but they must
cross the starting line.
Yellow flag situation: No passing/no improving of a position per flag area. Only an MWEDT official is allowed to assist. Penalty is a minimum of one finishing position per infraction. This will be a decision of the race official.
The white flag is a courtesy flag. It is not necessary to display the white flag at the beginning of the last lap. It is the rider’s responsibility to race to the checkered flag. The Finish line is always at the Main Flagger, where the checker flag is thrown, unless noted in riders meeting.
All riders will be given a front row start in the heat race. If a rider refuses front row start and elects to start on the second row that will be up to the official.
Riders are to line up directly behind the starting line placed by an official. If a rider jumps/crosses the line, the rider/riders will be moved to the penalty line. The penalty row is 25ft behind the number of rows that are in the mains- the same spot for heat and mains in all
Tire warmups must be done prior to the start. If you must warm your tires up, it must be done behind the box on the front row starting line. All classes excluding Pro and ProAm.
STARTS, in one of the following ways: (A)With a light-Light will be red and goes to green or nothing to green (B)With a flag-Once the starter has touched flag to the ground, the rider will go on first movement of flag.
Any rider who leaves the track to the pits after the start of a race will be disqualified for that race. You can not leave the track once a race has started. A rider can work on their quad under a green flag condition only if the work performed in a designated area. Parents can help
in the Youth classes and Women’s class.
If a race was stopped because riders were down, the first rider down is placed in the restart, etc., with the last rider down behind the last rider who did not fall. If for any reason a rider does not complete the red-flagged lap, he too will be placed in the rear of the restart in a
position respective of his stoppage.
When an event is stopped (red-flag) before being completed, the rider and pit crew can adjust on the quad and must be in the designated work area. (5 minutes during final events) (heat the
rider must be ready for a restart. no extra time is allowed.)
If the race is called complete, the riders will be scored in the position in which they would have restarted or the last completed lap.
In the event of rain, heat races can be scored as finals for that event.
Pit vehicles (golf carts, mules, mini quads/motorcycles etc) may be used by PERMIT ONLY.
Permits may be purchased at rider registration. You may purchase a year permit for $25 or a weekend permit for $5.
Maxim width is 64 inches- no 6 wheel vehicles permitted. Unauthorized pit vehicles may be confiscated.
Operators must have a valid drivers license.
Pit Vehicles curfew is 10pm nightly or as designated by the event organizer.
Pit vehicles are prohibited on the racetrack or anywhere inside the racetrack fenced area.
Pit vehicles may not be operated in a reckless, careless or dangerous manner, nor by anyone under the influence of alcohol.
Pit vehicle use is a privilege and not a right, which right may be revoked or terminated for any or no reason at the discretion of the staff.
Penalty for violation of any of the above rules may include but is not limited to: confiscation of pit vehicle privileges, disqualification of racer, and/or removal from event.
Any verbal harassment, physical abuse, including social media will be grounds for penalty, fine, suspension for the season or permanent disqualification.
Rider is responsible for the action of their pit members in his/her pit. If pit member verbally harasses or physically abuses any MWEDT officials, the rider could be penalized or permanently disqualification.
No alcoholic beverages or illegal substances will be allowed on the track or the staging area. Riders are required not use any of the above-mentioned substances before or during an event as long as they remain in competition. Any rider that is impaired will not be allowed to compete and may be subject to permanent disqualification or suspension. Any rider found using alcohol or illegal drugs during an event (while racing taking place) can be disqualified from an event immediately and can be suspended for no less than one year from all MWEDT events.
A rider is responsible for the action of their own pit crew. Infractions by a rider’s pit crew or associated spectators could be grounds for disqualification.
The use of electronic communication devices is prohibited, and a rider found using such devices will be disqualified from that race.
No Drones with exception of approval from MWEDT.
All Venders and Photographers must receive prior approval with MWEDT.
If a rider is found to of entered in a class that is beyond his/her level of riding ability MWEDT reserves the right to ask that rider to move down in classification to a class that better suits their ability at the discretion of the MWEDT official.
Any rider that is riding recklessly or dangerously and putting other riders at risk will be “Black” Flagged and disqualified from the race. Failure to comply pulling off the race track will
result in immediate suspension from that event plus no less than one additional MWEDT event or determined by official.
Season end points for all classes will be based on top finishes of each rider with one race throw out. In the determination finishes of the season end points a throw out race CAN BE a
race that the rider did not attend or if the rider attends all his/her lowest score will be the throw out.
If a regularly scheduled event is cancelled due to uncontrollable circumstances the event will be rescheduled. If the event cannot be rescheduled the series will become a shortened series for the year.
End of the season points will be adjusted accordingly to account for the
throw out race as stated above.
A rider must understand the risk involved upon entering an event and takes full responsibility for their own safety. No persons can participate in an event unless they have signed a waiver stating they understand the risk involved. No rider may practice or be on the track without
signing up.
All riders must have an armband prior to sign up or you will not be allowed to sign up.
If you are over 18 years old and you have a problem with a situation that happened in your race, the rider only can come and discuss the issue with the referee. If you are under 18 and have a problem with a situation that happened in you or your child’s race, the rider and one parent can come and discuss the issue with the referee. Do NOT come and talk to the referee hot headed or with a attitude because you will be sent back to your trailer until you cool off. If there is a call made by the referee and you disagree, DO NOT go and discuss the call with other MWEDT promoters/officials. Let the referee know you do not agree with the call and then the referee WILL CONSULT with other MWEDT promoters/officials to determine if the call will stand or be overturned.
Awards will be given to top five in each event amateur and youth trophy class,
Pro-Am will 100% payback
Pro-Lite will 75% payback
Youth Pro-Lite is 75% payback
PRO will be a SET payback of:
1st $1000
2nd $500
3rd $250
4th $125
5th $100
6th $75
7th $50
8th $25
Yard Stock: 3 laps heat, 4 lap main
Amateur/Youth: 4lap heats, 8 lap mains
Pro-Lite: 5 lap heats, 10 lap mains
Pro-Am: 5 lap heats, 12 lap mains
Pro: 5 lap heats, 15 lap mains
Pro Open 5 lap heats, 12 lap Mains
***Any class with less than 5 riders will run 5 lap mains except pro classes ***
(Amateur laps subject to adjustment according to high rider count, track length, or time frame
of the event)
Each rider must be a member of the MWEDT series to be eligible for year-end awards at the Awards Banquet. Year-end Awards Banquet eligibility: must ride in 50% of the events to qualify for year end points.
PRO POINT FUND: $1 for every T.T. entry in ever classes all season will be put into a points fund which is distributed to TOP 3 PRO & PRO-OPEN winners at the banquet. The rider must be present to receive funds IF NOT the money goes to the next in line that is present at the Banquet.
No exceptions.
All tracks will use the MWEDT set race order for all MWEDT events. This will not be changed unless due to weather related conditions.
RIDERS WILL GET 1 PRACTICE PER QUAD on the event date. Riders will have an optional Friday night practice for $30. You must have an armband.
CLASSES: All to be tech’d before raced
50cc- will split chain/shaft if 3 or more, 4-8 yrs
65cc- up to 110 4Stroke, 7-12 yrs
85cc- up to 150 4Stroke, 7-15 yrs
250cc- 125 4Stroke (80% payback), 12+ yrs
450cc (80% payback), 14+ yrs
+35 (80% payback)
- Youth and age group classes are based upon riders age as of rider January 1st and/or time of event. (Example: if a rider is 24 years old on Jan. 1st that rider can race the entire season in the 14-24 class even after they have turned 25 during the season. That same rider though cannot race in the 25+ class until their birthday that year.) . Must meet age for class and quad no exceptions
PRO riders must have had ran A, PROLITE, PRO-AM or age classes the prior year any other classes see rule below
If a Pro, Pro-Am, Pro-Lite, Amateur or youth rider feels they should advance sooner to a higher classification; the rider must submit a written request to the MWEDT and provide justification to be advanced before the season starts. Must meet age for class no exceptions
If a rider moves into PRO and sees he or she cannot compete they will be allowed to move back down a class 1 time. This must be approved by MWEDT.
-Yard Stock: 50-90 2-cycle, 50-125 4-cycle, must be completely stock, no exceptions (stock tires included), Chinese off bands may be allowed but must have official approval prior to entry, no factory brand race quads, this class is limited to riders with less than 2 years’ experience. No exceptions.
-50cc Superstock: stock 50 2-cycle, stock 70 4-cycle (4-8 years) All stock, no exceptions. Flattrack tires and clutch/gearing are allowed. NO Swar bar, aftermarket shocks, engine mods, etc.
90cc Superstock: stock 90 2-cycle, 125cc 4-cycle (7-15 years) All stock, no exceptions. Flattrack tires and clutch/gearing are allowed. NO swaybar, aftermarket shocks, engine mods, etc. Chinese off bands may be allowed but must have official approval prior to entry
-70cc: Open modifications up to 70cc 2-cycle, 110 4-cycle (AGE 4-10 YEARS OLD) (Award all)
- 90 CVT: Open modifications 50-90 2-cycle, 50-125 4-cycle (AGE 7-15) (Award-top 5)
- Shifter: Open Modifications 50-115 2-Cycle, 50-150 4-Cycle, (age 7-15 years) (Award top 5)
- Super Mini: Open modified 125cc 2 stroke/150cc 4 stroke (AGE 7-15 years) (award top 5)
-PRO-lite: 200-250cc limit 4stroke, 180-200cc 2Stroke (AGE 12-16 years) a rider enters this class is not eligible to race 50, 70, 90 youth classes
- YOUTH JR. 200-300: Open modified (AGE 10-14 years) 2 stroke(200cc) or 4 stroke(300cc) production atv,must have engine that matches frame no hybrids ,must be 200-300 size atvs, 150cc 4strokes allowed, no 90s
-Youth SR. OPEN MOD (AGE12-16) 400cc 4stroke 240cc 2stroke, hybirds, debore allowed on 450 engines
-PRO: 200cc-450cc, Hybrds allowed, (AGE 18+) Riders age 16-17 must meet the approval of the referee and the MWEDT. (
450 Pro will be a SET payback of:
1st $1000
2nd $500
3rd $250
4th $125
5th $100
6th $75
7th $50
8th $25
payback) PRO Riders are eligible to run in Pro-Am. All riders must take the joker lane 1 time in the heat and main. If there is a red flag before the last lap or during the last lap, there will be a green, white checker restart. (remember a RED flag goes back to the last completed lap for a restart so if you took the jokes on the RED flag lap then it does not count) 10 mins PRO & PRO-Am prac only
-PRO-Am: Open modified 200cc plus (AGE 15+) (100% money payout - 3:1 ratio) Eligible to race in PRO, Pro-lite, A class, Age classes. This must be second class. The joker lane is in affect. 10 mins PRO & PRO-Am prac only
-PRO-Am Outlaw Trikes: (80% payback) plus any added money, any size any rules must be safe and pass tech, this is a 2nd class must race another or equal class
-PRO-lite: (AGE 14+) 200-OPENcc, this is a 2nd class must race another equal class (75% money payout - 3:1 ratio ) N0 AMA Pro’s, No MWEDT Pro’s, No NEEDT Pro’s ANY RIDER THAT WIN's the championship title 2 CONSECUTIVE YEARS MUST MOVE UP AND WILL NOT BE ELIG. FOR THIS CLASS for the following year. ProAm, A and age riders are elig for this class. Riders are NOT eligible to run in Open B, or Open C , youth classes, while they are participating in this class.
-Open A: (Age 14+) Open 200cc + “A” Class (Award Top 5)
All MWEDT Open A Class Points Champions must move up in classification the following year and current or past champions in this class are no longer eligible to run this class. Riders are NOT eligible
to run in Pro or Open Pro, B or C class, participating in this class.
-Open B: (Age 14+) Open 200cc+ , “B” Class, ( Award Top 5)
All MWEDT Open B Class Points Champions must move up in classification the following year and current or past champions in this class are no longer eligible to run this class. Riders are NOT eligible
to run in Pro, Pro-lite, Pro-am, or Open C Classes if participating in this class. If a
rider moves upwards from this class during the MWEDT series (Pro-lite or Pro-am), they are no longer eligible to participate in this class for the remainder of the season but may petition the MWEDT series to return to this class the following season. Local Pro riders will not be allowed
to run this class.
-Open C: (Age 14+) Open 200cc+ “C” Class (trophy top 5) All MWEDT Current and past Open C champions must move upwards in classification the following season. “NO Sandbagging” A rider who participates in this class whose level of riding far exceeds the
other riders can be asked to move up in classification by MWEDT officials during the course of the season. Riders are NOT eligible to run in Pro-am, Pro-lite, Open B and Pro if participating in this class. If a rider moves upwards in classification in the MWEDT series (Open B, Pro-lite, or Pro-Am) during the season they may not return to this class until the after the end of the season and must petition the MWEDT board to return to this class. Other series classification does not apply. Local Pro riders will not be allowed to run this class.
-Women's: Open- modified 200cc +, Age 14+, Female only participants allowed, (Award top 5) All Women racing must register in Women’s Class, 400cc and down are exempt from this rule as
well as past Champions. No exceptions.
-2Stroke/400 4Stroke: any size vintage 2-cycle, up to 440cc 4-cycle, de-stroke or debore are allowed. This is considered an CC size class. No Adults can assist on the line. No exceptions.
-Age Groups: Open modified 200cc plus Classes: 14-24yrs, 25+, 35+, 45+ (Award top 5) Eligible for all riders that fall within that age category at time of the race. Any rider deemed a “Pro” rider is not eligible to participate in these classes, all other riders are eligible for these
-Trike Vintage (Age 14+) Must have 5 or more riders to run this class separately or will be ran with trike outlaw scored separate where applicable
-Trike 200cc vintage: 200cc maximum bore is 67mm, no bored cases
-Knobby: no swaybar, right height must be 6.5" from the ground (based off 200lb rider)
-Heavy metal: (age 14+) 280lb plus, open cc, any size'
- Adult 90 stock: (age 14+ ) 90cc or Chinese bike up to 125cc 4 cycle no race bikes. BONE STOCK.
Machines may be used in multiple classes by the same rider provided that both rider and ATV meet the requirements of the class.
NO electric motors. Single cylinder naturally aspirated combustion engine. This applys to all except for banshees.
All machines must be class legal each time they pull up to the starting line or be subject to disqualification. A rider may change machines between races as long as the replacement is class legal. If a machine is changed after qualifying (heats) that rider will get the last gate pick
for the main event. Starting position will be 25’ behind the last occupied line or the penalty line. Once a race starts, there can be no changing machines. START OF RACE will be
defined as FIRST ATTEMPTED START, even if it results in a complete restart.
Production Classes: Stock frame and ATV engine cases from the original manufacturer of that make and model must be used. OEM frames may have material added for strength. These changes shall not affect frame geometry. Only bolt-on components are allowed. Year models may be mixed as long at its the same.
All youth riders must fit the ATV. With rider in normal riding position with hands on handlebars, there must be a bend in the elbows; fingers much reach all control levers. Rider in a standing position on foot pegs must have 3 inches of space between seat and rider inseam.
Safety Equipment and Machine Eligibility are the sole responsibility of the rider. After registration and prior to practice, a mandatory courtesy inspection will be performed at each event to check number plates and numbers, tether cord, kill switch, nerf bars and machine width (51”). Random equipment inspections may be done and may include, but not limited to, fuel, sound, width, and displacement. If a machine does not pass inspection, it will not be allowed to compete.
All ATV’s must use petroleum-based gasoline. No alcohol allowed.
An engine may be bored or stroked, to change displacement classes, but must not exceed the class limit. Example: 250cc engine may be increased to a maximum of 300ccfor the 300 class There is no .080 inches overbore allowed, over the class limit. No downsizing in Youth Classes.
Only atv or dirt bike motors are allowed. No street bike or other motors allowed.
All ATV’s must have dirt track tires (except yard, 90 stock and Knobby classes as per tracks discretion), nerf bars or suitable floorboards, working tether cord, maximum width of 51”, all glass much be covered, control levers must have ball ends, and axle nuts must have cotter pins or clips.
At the Referee’s discretion, the number of laps for Heats and Mains may be changed if track or weather conditions warrant.
Classes with 5 or less riders may be combined with 2nd class. Race will have one (1) start with fastest class starting on Row 1 and slower class starting on Row 2./if it’s a equal class they will be combined in normal starting procedure and scored separately.
Racers (including 1 crew member) are not allowed to do any shoveling or sweeping at the starting line. After bringing their machine to the starting line, RACERS ONLY, are allowed to use hands or feet to clear his start spot, BEHIND START LINE. For Concrete pads, the racer or 1
pit crew member only, will be allowed to broom off their starts.
Mechanics are only allowed to an area behind the starting lines to assist. They are not allowed in the starting area. The 2-minute rule still applies.
A rider protest must be completed in writing within 30 minutes of the protest form (see blow) the race being complete (if the protest is from the heat race, the atv will be impounded. The rider and pit crew will still able to work under referee/official supervision and will be able to
race remaining heat races and mains unless visible illegal) with riders name, class, race number and discrepancy. Along with the protestors printed name and signature. See Pretest form
Any race motor or race quad can be subject to inspection at any time throughout the race weekend by the Referee.
The use of Non-OE Metal fenders is prohibited.
Font and rear number plates are required ,front may be on hood as long as its visible The numbers are recommended to be 6” block numbers, a minimum of 4” may be allowed. No shading or outlining is allowed. If the Referee deems a rider’s number plate is not clear enough
for scoring, the rider must correct the plate. The number plates and numbers must have contrasting colors, be clear, legible, and have a professional appearance. Example: Single number 4", double numbers 5", triple numbers 6". Wood or metal number plates are prohibited
unless bolted on. “Pro Riders” are recommended to use Blue backgrounds with White lettering. #1 plate may be red with white number if they won class prior year for all classes. All other
riders and classes must run white numberplates with black numbers. THIS WILL BE TECHed
Any disqualification/probation/suspension will be grounds of a written/verbal response and delivered to the rider or guardian. The rider has 10 days from when the letter was sent to
appeal. The MWEDT will then review the appeal with a decision if needed.
**MWEDT will have the right to excuse a rider from a mwedt national event due to an offical winter weather storm or death of family. This must be approved by MWEDT PRIOR to the event.
2024 RULES
You must have a MWEDT $25 membership or a $5 day pass.
Rider entry fees:
PRO $100
PRO-AM $75
AM $40
It is the duty and the responsibility of the riders to determine the class in which he or she belongs in. MWEDT officials will not move someone up just because they are fast. You must have proof that
a rider rode in a higher class in a national. If you ride in Pro or Pro-Am in any local series, you will not be allowed in B OR C class. If you won A, B, C class points in prior year, you are
required to move up.
Age as of January 1, 2024 will determine your age group/class. Age as of rider January 1st and/or time of event. No Exceptions. No write in will be accepted
There can be no changing of machines. START OF RACE will be defined as FIRST ATTEMPTED START, even if it results in a complete restart. A Rider must ride the same quad in the main event that was ridden in the heat race. If a different quad is ridden in the main event than was ridden in the heat, the rider must start from penalty line as designated by the race official. It is the riders responsibility to inform an MWEDT official if the rider is switching bikes, failure to due so can be subjected to DQ.
All events will run qualifying heats and a main event. The number of riders in heats will be determined by track width, with a minimum of 60” per machine. All riders in heats will get a front-row start. (maximum 10 riders) If there are more riders in a class than can be accommodated on the starting line, multiple heats will be run. If there are 21 or more riders, one or more LCQ’s will be ran.
Heats are timed. The winner of the fastest heat will get first pick in the main, and the winner of the next fastest heat will get second pick in the main, and so on. Equal number of riders from each heat race will transfer to the main, leaving a fewer number to transfer from the LCQ’s. No more than 20 will participate in the main.
***(If a push start is required, permission must be obtained from the referee or staging official to cross line prior to start of the race) ***
A rider must be on the starting line or have a representative from his/her pit to call for 2 minutes. If no one is representing the rider, the MWEDT official will announce for the rider. At the end of line up, if the racer or his/her representative hasn’t showed up the race, the race will start without them. If the racer shows up after line up is complete, racer will start at rear of line up.
A rider must cross the start line to be scored for race-heat and main. If the rider misses the heat, as long as he’s signed up and quad was inspected, he/she may race main from penalty
row. The rider will have a last place starting position and receive no heat points. Nobody is allowed to sign the rider up but himself if he/she is of age.
***Nobody but the racer/official is allowed in the designated starting area. Excluding Youth & Women classes, you are only allowed to assist in the starting or working of the machine of who
the child/women is racing. Nothing else. This is for Youth and Women Class only.
Any rider whose tires/tire crosses the starting line before the start will be moved to the penalty line, and the position is left vacant on any subsequent start or restart of the race. The quad must remain on the track/staging during this time.
Cutting the course will be determined by MWEDT officials. You can not advance your positon or time. If you cut the track in any way you must go back onto the track as you cut it or fall 2 positions to the rear. Failure to do this, the rider will be docked 2 postions. This infraction
will be judged on a case by case basis. If a race must be stopped because of a rider/riders obstructing the progress and safety of a race, that rider or riders will restart on penalty row or last place slots in single file start.
Single file start will take place after completion of one complete lap. Single file starts will be determined off the last completed lap. If a race has to be stopped, single file restarts, the
flagger will point at the 1st place leader, when the leader takes off, the race starts. No passing until you pass the flagger.
If for any reason the race must be stopped it may be considered complete if the leading rider has completed over 50% of the laps. Once the white flag is given the race cannot be restarted.
If the race event must be stopped due to weather, final race results will set according the finish positions in the heat race.
Lapped riders must move over or be black flagged. If a black flag has been given to a rider, the rider refuses to move over, the rider will be disqualified and score no points for the event.
DNS means did not start. A rider not crossing the starting line will receive DNS. DNF means did not finish. A rider who DNF’s will receive last place points in the main event but they must
cross the starting line.
Yellow flag situation: No passing/no improving of a position per flag area. Only a MWEDT official is allowed to assist. Penalty is a minimum of one finishing position per infraction. This will be a decision of the race official.
The white flag is a courtesy flag. It is not necessary to display the white flag at the beginning of the last lap. It is the rider’s responsibility to race to the checkered flag. The Finish line is always at the Main Flagger, where the checker flag is thrown, unless noted in riders meeting.
All riders will be given a front row start in the heat race. If a rider refuses front row start and elects to start on second row that will be up to the official.
Riders are to line up directly behind the starting line placed by an official. If a rider jumps/crosses the line, the rider/riders will be moved to the penalty line. The penalty row is 25ft behind the number of rows that are in the mains- the same spot for heat and mains in all
Tire warmups must be done prior to the start. If you must warm your tires up, it must be done behind the 2nd row starting line. All classes excluding Pro and Open Pro.
STARTS, in one of the following ways: (A)With a light-Light will be red and goes to green or nothing to green (B)With a flag-Once the starter has touched flag to the ground, the rider will go on first movement of flag.
Any rider who leaves the track to the pits after the start of a race will be disqualified for that race. You can not leave the track once a race has started. A rider can work on their quad under a green flag condition only if the work performed in a designated area. Parents can help
in the Youth classes and Women’s class.
If a race was stopped because riders were down, the first rider down is placed in the restart, etc., with the last rider down behind the last rider who did not fall. If for any reason a rider does not complete the red-flagged lap, he too will be placed in the rear of the restart in a
position respective of his stoppage.
When an event is stopped (red-flag) before being completed, the rider and pit crew can adjust on the quad and must be in the designated work area. (5 minutes during final events) (heat the
rider must be ready for a restart. no extra time is allowed.)
If the race is called complete, the riders will be scored in the position in which they would have restarted or the last completed lap.
In the event of rain, heat races can be scored as finals for that event.
Pit vehicles (golf carts, mules, mini quads/motorcycles etc) may be used by PERMIT ONLY.
Permits may be purchased at rider registration. You may purchase a year permit for $25 or a weekend permit for $5.
Maxim width is 64 inches- no 6 wheel vehicles permitted. Unauthorized pit vehicles may be confiscated.
Operators must have a valid drivers license.
Pit Vehicles curfew is 10pm nightly or as designated by the event organizer.
Pit vehicles are prohibited on the racetrack or anywhere inside the racetrack fenced area.
Pit vehicles may not be operated in a reckless, careless or dangerous manner, nor by anyone under the influence of alcohol.
Pit vehicle use is a privilege and not a right, which right may be revoked or terminated for any or no reason at the discretion of the staff.
Penalty for violation of any of the above rules may include but is not limited to: confiscation of pit vehicle privileges, disqualification of racer, and/or removal from event.
Any verbal harassment, physical abuse, including social media will be grounds for penalty, fine, suspension for the season or permanent disqualification.
Rider is responsible for the action of their pit members in his/her pit. If pit member verbally harasses or physically abuses any MWEDT officials, the rider could be penalized or permanently disqualification.
No alcoholic beverages or illegal substances will be allowed on the track or the staging area. Riders are required not use any of the above-mentioned substances before or during an event as long as they remain in competition. Any rider that is impaired will not be allowed to compete and may be subject to permanent disqualification or suspension. Any rider found using alcohol or illegal drugs during an event (while racing taking place) can be disqualified from an event immediately and can be suspended for no less than one year from all MWEDT events.
A rider is responsible for the action of their own pit crew. Infractions by a rider’s pit crew or associated spectators could be grounds for disqualification.
The use of electronic communication devices is prohibited, and a rider found using such devices will be disqualified from that race.
No Drones with exception of approval from MWEDT.
All Venders and Photographers must receive prior approval with MWEDT.
If a rider is found to of entered in a class that is beyond his/her level of riding ability MWEDT reserves the right to ask that rider to move down in classification to a class that better suits their ability at the discretion of the MWEDT official.
Any rider that is riding recklessly or dangerously and putting other riders at risk will be “Black” Flagged and disqualified from the race. Failure to comply pulling off the race track will
result in immediate suspension from that event plus no less than one additional MWEDT event or determined by offical.
Season end points for all classes will be based on top finishes of each rider with one race throw out. In the determination finishes of the season end points a throw out race CAN BE a
race that the rider did not attend or if the rider attends all his/her lowest score will be the throw out.
If a regularly scheduled event is cancelled due to uncontrollable circumstances the event will be rescheduled. If the event cannot be rescheduled and the series will become a shortened series for the year.
End of the season points will be adjusted accordingly to account for the
throw out race as stated above.
A rider must understand the risk involved upon entering an event and takes full responsibility for their own safety. No persons can participate in an event unless they have signed a waiver stating they understand the risk involved. No rider may practice or be on the track without
signing up.
All riders must have an armband prior to sign up or you will not be allowed to sign up.
If you are over 18 years old and you have a problem with a situatin that happened in your race, the rider only can come and disuss the issue with the referee. If you are under 18 and have a problem with a situation that happened in you or your childs race, the rider and one parent can come and discuss the issue with the referee. Do NOT come and talk to the referee hot headed or with a attitude because you will be sent back to your trailer until you cool off. If there is a call made by the referee and you disagree, DO NOT go and discuss the the call with other MWEDT promoters/officals. Let the referee know you do not agree with the call and then the referee WILL CONSULT with other MWEDT promoters/officals to determine if the call will stand or be overturned.
Awards will be given to top five in each event amateur and youth,
Pro-Am will 80% payback of entry in the class,
Pro-Lite will 50%
SuperMini will 50%
450 Pro will be a SET payback of:
1st $1000
2nd $500
3rd $250
4th $125
5th $100
6th $75
7th $50
8th $25
Pro Open 100% payback
Laps :
Yard Stock: 3 laps heat, 4 lap main
Amateur/Youth: 4lap heats, 8 lap mains
Pro-Lite: 5 lap heats, 10 lap mains
Pro-Am: 5 lap heats, 12 lap mains
Pro: 5 lap heats, 15 lap mains
Pro Open 5 lap heats, 12 lap Mains
***Any class with less than 5 riders will run 5 lap mains unless except pro classes ***
(Amateur laps subject to adjustment according to high rider count, track length, or time frame
of the event)
Each rider must be a member of the of the MWEDT series to be eligible for year-end awards at Awards Banquet. Year-end Awards Banquet eligibility: must ride in 50% of the events to qualify for year end points.
PRO POINT FUND: $1 for every T.T. entry in ever classe all season will be put into a points fund which is distrubted to TOP 3 PRO & PRO-OPEN winners at the banquet. The rider must be present to recieve funds IF NOT the money goes to next in line that is present at the Banquet.
No exceptions.
All tracks will use the MWEDT set race order for all MWEDT events. This will not be changed unless due to weather related conditions.
CLASSES: All to be tech’d before raced
50cc- will split chain/shaft if 3 or more, 4-8 yrs
65cc- up to 110 4Stroke, 7-12 yrs
85cc- up to 150 4Stroke, 7-15 yrs
250cc- 125 4Stroke (80% payback), 12+ yrs
450cc (80% payback), 14+ yrs
+35 (80% payback)
- Youth and age group classes are based upon riders age as of rider January 1st and/or time of event. (Example: if a rider is 24 years old on Jan. 1st that rider can race the entire season in the 14-24 class even after they have turned 25 during the season. That same rider though cannot race in the 25+ class until their birthday that year.) . Must meet age for class and quad no exceptions
PRO riders must have run A, PROLITE, PRO-AM or age classes the prior year any other classes see rule below
If a Pro, Pro-Am, Pro-Lite, Amateur or youth rider feels they should be advanced sooner to a higher classification; the rider must submit a written request to the MWEDT and provide justification to be advanced before the season starts. Must meet age for class no exceptions
If a rider moves into PRO and sees he or she cannot compete they will be allowed to move back down a class 1 time. This must be approved by MWEDT.
-Yard Stock: 50-90 2-cycle, 50-125 4-cycle, must be completely stock, no exceptions (stock tires included), Chinese off bands may be allowed but must have offical approval prior to entry, no factory brand race quads, this class is limited to riders with less than 2 years’ experience. No exceptions.
-50cc Superstock: stock 50 2-cycle, stock 70 4-cycle (4-8 years) All stock, no exceptions. Flattrack tires and clutch/gearing are allowed. NO swarbar, aftermarket shocks, engine mods, etc.
90cc Superstock: stock 90 2-cycle, 125cc 4-cycle (7-15 years) All stock, no exceptions. Flattrack tires and clutch/gearing are allowed. NO swaybar, aftermarket shocks, engine mods, etc. Chinese off bands may be allowed but must have offical approval prior to entry
-70cc: Open modifications up to 70cc 2-cycle, 110 4-cycle (AGE 4-10 YEARS OLD) (Award all)
- 90 CVT: Open modifications 50-90 2-cycle, 50-125 4-cycle (AGE 7-15) (Award-top 5)
- Shifter: Open Modifications 50-115 2-Cycle, 50-150 4-Cycle, (age 7-15 years) (Award top 5)
- Super Mini: Open modified 125cc 2 stroke/150cc 4 stroke (AGE 7-15 years) (50% payback)
- YOUTH JR. 200-300: Open modified (AGE 10-14 years) 2 stroke(200cc) or 4 stroke(300cc)production atv,must have engine that matches frame no hybirds ,must be 200-300 size atvs, no 90s
-Youth SR. OPEN MOD (AGE12-16) 400cc 4stroke 240cc 2stroke,hybirds allowed,no debore or destroke 450 engines
-Pro: 200cc-450cc, Hybrds allowed, (AGE 18+) Riders age 16-17 must meet the approval of the referee and the MWEDT. ($2125 Top 8 rider set payout) Riders are eligible to run in Open Pro and Pro-Am. Pro qualifying per event, 2 laps timed, single run, top 2 will be locked into the top 2 starting positions for their head race, remaining field will do a pill drawl for heat race, fastest qualifier will receive $100 per sponsor. If you miss the pro qualifier you will still be eligible for the pill drawl for your heat race. All riders must take the joker lane 1 time in the heat and main. If there is a red flag before the last lap or during the last lap, there will be a green white checker restart. (remember a RED flag goes back to the last completed lap for a restart so if you took the jokes on the RED flag lap then it does not count)
-Open Pro: Open cc’s Single cylinder Motorcycle or atv engine on any frame combo. Hybrds are allowed. Frame must be ATV design and pass tech (AGE 18+) Riders age 16-17 must meet the approval of the referee and the MWEDT OFFICIALS. (100% payback) Open Pro
Riders are eligible to run in Pro and Pro-am. All riders must take the joker lane 1 time in the heat and main. If there is a red flag before the last lap or during the last lap, there will be a green white checker restart. (remember a RED flag goes back to the last completed lap for a
restart so if you took the joker on the RED flag lap then it does not count)
-Pro-Am: Open modified 200cc plus (AGE 15+) (80% money payout - 3:1 ratio) Eligible to race in Pro-lite, A class, Age classes. This must be second class
-Pro-am Outlaw Trikes: (80% payback) plus any added money, any size any rules must be safe and pass tech, this is a 2nd class must race another or equal class
-Pro-lite: (AGE 14+) 200-OPENcc, this is a 2nd class must race another equal class (50% money payout - 3:1 ratio ) N0 AMA Pro’s, No MWEDT Pro’s, No NEEDT Pro’s (local pros allowed). ANY RIDER THAT WIN's the championship title 2 CONSECUTIVE YEARS MUST MOVE UP AND WILL NOT BE ELIG. FOR THIS CLASS for the following year. ProAm, A and age riders are elig for this class. Riders are NOT eligible to run in Open B, or Open C , youth classes, while they are participating in this class.
-Open A: (Age 14+) Open 200cc + “A” Class (Award Top 5)
All MWEDT Open A Class Points Champions must move up in classification the following year and current or past champions in this class are no longer eligible to run this class. Riders are NOT eligible
to run in Pro or Open Pro, B or C class, participating in this class.
-Open B: (Age 14+) Open 200cc+ , “B” Class, ( Award Top 5)
All MWEDT Open B Class Points Champions must move up in classification the following year and current or past champions in this class are no longer eligible to run this class. Riders are NOT eligible
to run in Pro, Pro-lite, Pro-am, or Open C Classes if participating in this class. If a
rider moves upwards from this class during the MWEDT series (Pro-lite or Pro-am), they are no longer eligible to participate in this class for the remainder of the season but may petition the MWEDT series to return to this class the following season. Local Pro riders will not be allowed
to run this class.
-Open C: (Age 14+) Open 200cc+ “C” Class (trophy top 5) All MWEDT Current and past Open C champions must move upwards in classification the following season. “NO Sandbagging” A rider who participates in this class whose level of riding far exceeds the
other riders can be asked to move up in classification by MWEDT officials during the course of the season. Riders are NOT eligible to run in Pro-am, Pro-lite, Open B and Pro if participating in this class. If a rider moves upwards in classification in the MWEDT series (Open B, Pro-lite, or Pro-Am) during the season they may not return to this class until the after the end of the season and must petition the MWEDT board to return to this class. Other series classification does not apply. Local Pro riders will not be allowed to run this class.
-Women's: Open- modified 200cc + , Age 14+, Female only participants allowed,. (Award top 5) All Women racing must register in Women’s Class, 400cc and down are exempt from this rules as
well as past Champions. No exceptions.
-2Stroke/400 4Stroke: any size vintage 2-cycle, up to 440cc 4-cycle, no 450 de-stroke or debore. This is considered an CC size class. No Adults can assist on the line. No exceptions.
-Age Groups: Open modified 200cc plus Classes: 14-24yrs, 25+, 35+, 45+ (Award top 5) Eligible for all riders that fall within that age category at time of the race. Any rider deemed a “Pro” rider is not eligible to participate in these classes, all other riders are eligible for these
-Trike Vintage (Age 14+) Must have 5 or more riders to run this class separately or will be ran with trike outlaw scored separate where applicable
-Trike 200cc vintage: 200cc maximum bore is 67mm, no bored cases
-Knobby: no swaybar, right height must be 6.5" from the ground (based off 200lb rider)
-Heavy metal: (age 14+) 280lb plus, open cc, any size'
- Adult 90 stock: ( age 14+ ) 90cc or Chinese bike up to 125cc 4 cycle no race bikes. BONE STOCK.
- Kid 90 stock: ( age 7-14 ) 90cc or Chinese bike up to 125cc 4cycle no race bikes. BONE STOCK.
Machines may be used in multiple classes by the same rider provided that both rider and ATV meet the requirements of the class.
NO electric motors. Single cylinder naturally aspirated combustion engine. This applys to all except for banshees.
All machines must be class legal each time they pull up to the starting line or be subject to disqualification. A rider may change machines between races as long as the replacement is class legal. If a machine is changed after qualifying (heats) that rider will get the last gate pick
for the main event. Starting position will be 25’ behind the last occupied line or the penalty line. Once a race is started, there can be no changing of machines. START OF RACE will be
defined as FIRST ATTEMPTED START, even if it results in a complete restart.
Production Classes: Stock frame and ATV engine cases from the original manufacturer of that make and model must be used. OEM frames may have material added for strength. These changes shall not affect frame geometry. Only bolt-on components allowed. Year models may be mixed as long at its the same.
All youth riders must fit the ATV. With rider in normal riding position with hands on handlebars, there must be a bend in the elbows; fingers much reach all control levers. Rider in a standing position on foot pegs must have 3 inches of space between seat and rider inseam.
Safety Equipment and Machine Eligibility are the sole responsibility of the rider. After registration and prior to practice, a mandatory courtesy inspection will be performed at each event to check number plates and numbers, tether cord, kill switch, nerf bars and machine width (51”). Random equipment inspections may be done and may include, but not limited to, fuel, sound, width, and displacement. If a machine does not pass inspection, it will not be allowed to compete.
All ATV’s must use petroleum-based gasoline. No alcohol allowed.
An engine may be bored or stroked, to change displacement classes, but must not exceed the class limit. Example: 250cc engine may be increased to a maximum of 300ccfor the 300 class There is no .080 inches overbore allowed, over the class limit. No downsizing in Youth Classes.
Only atv or dirt bike motors are allowed. No street bike or other motors allowed.
All ATV’s must have dirt track tires (except yard, 90 stock and Knobby classes as per tracks discretion), nerf bars or suitable floorboards, working tether cord, maximum width of 51”, all glass much be covered, control levers must have ball ends, and axle nuts must have cotter pins or clips.
At the Referee’s discretion, the number of laps for Heats and Mains may be changed if track or weather conditions warrant.
Classes with 5 or less riders may be combined with 2nd class. Race will have one (1) start with fastest class starting on Row 1 and slower class starting on Row 2./if it’s a equal class they will be combined in normal starting procedure and scored separate
Racers (including 1 crew member) are not allowed to do any shoveling or sweeping at the starting line. After bringing their machine to the starting line, RACERS ONLY, are allowed to use hands or feet to clear his start spot, BEHIND START LINE. For Concrete pads, the racer or 1
pit crew member only, will be allowed to broom off their starts.
Mechanics are only allowed to an area behind the starting lines to assist. They are not allowed in the starting area. The 2-minute rule still applies.
A rider protest must be completed in writing within 30 minutes of the protest form (see blow) the race being complete (if the protest is from the heat race, the atv will be impounded. The rider and pit crew will still able to work under referee/official supervision and will be able to
race remaining heat races and mains unless visible illegal) with riders name, class, race number and discrepancy. Along with the protestors printed name and signature. See Pretest form
Any race motor or race quad can be subject to inspection at any time throughout the race weekend by the Referee.
The use of Non-OE Metal fenders is prohibited.
Font and rear number plates are required ,front may be on hood as long as its visible The numbersare recommended to be 6” block numbers, a minimum of 4” may be allowed. No shading or outlining is allowed. If the Referee deems a rider’s number plate is not clear enough
for scoring, the rider must correct the plate. The number plates and numbers must have contrasting colors, be clear, legible, and have a professional appearance. Example: Single number 4", double numbers 5", triple numbers 6". Wood or metal number plates are prohibited
unless bolted on. “Pro Riders” are recommended to use Blue backgrounds with White lettering. #1 plate may be red with white number if they won class prior year for all classes. All other
riders and classes must run white numberplates with black numbers. THIS WILL BE TECHed
Any disqualification/probation/suspension will be grounds of a written/verbal response and delivered to the rider or guardian. The rider has 10 days from when the letter was sent to
appeal. The MWEDT will then review the appeal with a decision if needed.
**MWEDT will have the right to excuse a rider from a mwedt national event due to an offical winter weather storm or death of family. This must be approved by MWEDT PRIOR to the event.
2023 RULES
Rider entry fees:
PRO $100
PRO-AM $75
AM $40
It is the duty and the responsibility of the riders to determine the class in which he or she belongs. MWEDT officials will not move someone up just because they are fast. You must have proof that a rider rode in a higher class in a national. If you ride in Pro or Pro-Am in any local series, you will not be allowed in C class. If you won A, B, C class points in prior year, you are required to move up.
A Rider must ride the same quad in the main event that was ridden in the heat race. If a different quad is ridden in the main event than was ridden in the heat, the rider must start from penalty line as designated by the race official.
All events will run qualifying heats and a main event. The number of riders in heats will be determined by track width, with a minimum of 60” per machine. All riders in heats will get a front-row start. (maximum 10 riders) If there are more riders in a class than can be accommodated on the starting line, multiple heats will be run. If there are 21 or more riders, one or more LCQ’s will be ran.
Heats are timed. The winner of the fastest heat will get first pick in the main, and the winner of the next fastest heat will get second pick in the main, and so on. Equal number of riders from each heat race will transfer to the main, leaving a fewer number to transfer from the LCQ’s. No more than 20 will participate in the main.
***(If a push start is required, permission must be obtained from the referee or staging official to cross line prior to start of the race) ***
A rider must be on the starting line or have a representative from his/her pit to call for 2 minutes. If no one is representing the rider, the MWEDT official will announce for the rider. At the end of line up, if the racer or his/her representative hasn’t showed up the race, the race will start without them. If the racer shows up after line up is complete, racer will start at rear of line up.
A rider must cross the start line to be scored for race-heat and main. If the rider misses the heat, as long as he’s signed up and quad was inspected, he/she may race main from penalty row. The rider will have a last place starting position and receive no heat points. Nobody is allowed to sign the rider up but himself if he/she is of age.
***Nobody but the racer/official in the designated starting area. (excluding kid’s & women classes) ***
Any rider whose tires/tire crosses the starting line before the start will be moved to the penalty line, and the position is left vacant on any subsequent start or restart of the race.
The quad must remain on the track/staging during this time. Mechanics are not allowed to wrench on the quad, but they can assist the rider with tooling, Riders are allowed to work on the quad.
Cutting the course will be determined by MWEDT officials. This infraction will be judged on a case by case basis. If a race must be stopped because of a rider/riders obstructing the progress and safety of a race, that rider or riders will restart on penalty row or last place slots in single file start.
Single file start will take place after completion of one lap. Single file starts will be determined off the last completed lap. If a race has to be stopped, single file restarts, the flagger will point at the 1st place leader, when the leader takes off, the race starts. No passing until you pass the flagger.
If for any reason the race must be stopped it may be considered complete if the leading rider has completed over 50% of the laps. Once the white flag is given the race cannot be restarted. If the race event must be stopped due to weather, final race results will set according the finish positions in the heat race.
Lapped riders must move over or be black flagged. If a black flag has been given to a rider, the rider refuses to move over, the rider will be disqualified and score no points for the event.
DNS means did not start. A rider not crossing the starting line will receive DNS. DNF means did not finish. A rider who DNF’s will receive last place points in the main event but they must cross the starting line.
Age as of January 1, 2023 will determine your age group/class. Age as of rider January 1st and/or time of event. No Exceptions.
Yellow flag situation: No passing/no improving of a position per flag area. Only a MWEDT official is allowed to assist. Penalty is a minimum of one finishing position per infraction. This will be a decision of the race official.
The white flag is a courtesy flag. It is not necessary to display the white flag at the beginning of the last lap. It is the rider’s responsibility to race to the checkered flag. The Finish line is always at the Main Flagger, where the checker flag is thrown, unless noted in riders meeting.
Any verbal harassment, physical abuse, including social media will be grounds for penalty, fine, suspension or permanent disqualification.
Rider is responsible for the action of their pit members in his/her pit. If pit member verbally harasses or physically abuses any MWEDT officials, the rider could be penalized or permanently disqualification.
No alcoholic beverages or illegal substances will be allowed on the track or the staging area. Riders are required not use any of the above-mentioned substances before or during an event as long as they remain in competition. Any rider that is impaired will not be allowed to compete and may be subject to permanent disqualification or suspension.
A rider is responsible for the action of their own pit crew. Infractions by a rider’s pit crew or associated spectators could be grounds for disqualification.
Pit vehicles (golf carts, mules, mini quads/motorcycles etc) may be used by PERMIT ONLY. Permits may be purchased at rider registration.
Maxim width is 64 inches- no 6 wheel vehicles permitted. Unauthorized pit vehicles may be confiscated.
Operators must have a valid drivers license.
Pit Vehicles curfew is 10pm nightly or as designated by the event organizer.
Pit vehicles are prohibited on the racetrack or anywhere inside the racetrack fenced area.
Pit vehicles may not be operated in a reckless, careless or dangerous manner, nor by anyone under the influence of alcohol.
Pit vehicle use is a privilege and not a right, which right may be revoked or terminated for any or no reason at the discretion of the staff.
Penalty for violation of any of the above rules may include but is not limited to: confiscation of pit vehicle privileges, disqualification of racer, and/or removal from event.
All riders will be given a front row start in the heat race. If a rider refuses front row start and elects to start on second row that will be up to the official.
Riders are to line up directly behind the starting line placed by an official. If a rider jumps/crosses the line, the rider/riders will be moved to the penalty line. The penalty row is 25ft behind the number of rows that are in the mains- the same spot for heat and mains in all classes.
Tire warmups must be done prior to the start line. All classes excluding Pro and Open Pro. If you must warm your tires up, it must be done behind the starting line/lines.
STARTS, in one of the following ways: (A)With a light-Light will be red and goes to green or nothing to green (B)With a flag-Once the starter has touched flag to the ground, the rider will go on first movement of flag.
Any rider who leaves the track to the pits after the start of a race will be disqualified for that race. A rider can work on their quad under a green flag condition only if the work performed in a designated area. Parents can help in the Youth classes and Women’s class.
If a race was stopped because riders were down, the first rider down is placed in the restart, etc., with the last rider down behind the last rider who did not fall. If for any reason a rider does not complete the red-flagged lap, he too will be placed in the rear of the restart in a position respective of his stoppage.
When an event is stopped (red-flag) before being completed, the rider and pit crew can adjust on the quad and must be in the designated work area. (5 minutes during final events) (heat the rider must be ready for a restart. no extra time is allowed.)
If the race is called complete, the riders will be scored in the position in which they would have restarted or the last completed lap.
In the event of rain, heat races can be scored as finals for that event.
Any rider found using alcohol or illegal drugs during an event (while racing taking place) can be disqualified from an event immediately and can be suspended for no less than one year from all MWEDT events.
The use of electronic communication devices is prohibited, and a rider found using such devices will be disqualified from that race.
No Drones with exception of approval from MWEDT.
All Venders and Photographers must receive prior approval with MWEDT.
If a rider is found to of entered in a class that is beyond his/her level of riding ability MWEDT reserves the right to ask that rider to move down in classification to a class that better suits their ability at the discretion of the MWEDT official.
Any rider that is riding recklessly or dangerously and putting other riders at risk will be “Black” Flagged and disqualified from the race. Failure to comply pulling off the race track will result in immediate suspension from that event plus no less than one additional MWEDT event or determined by offical.
Season end points for all classes will be based on top finishes of each rider with one race throw out. In the determination finishes of the season end points a throw out race CAN BE a race that the rider did not attend or if the rider attends all his/her lowest score will be the throw out.
If a regularly scheduled event is cancelled due to uncontrollable circumstances the event will be rescheduled. If the event cannot be rescheduled and the series will become a shortened series for the year. End of the season points will be adjusted accordingly to account for the throw out race as stated above.
A rider must understand the risk involved upon entering an event and takes full responsibility for their own safety. No persons can participate in an event unless they have signed a waiver stating they understand the risk involved. No rider may practice or be on the track without signing up. All riders must have an armband prior to sign up or you will not be allowed to sign up.
Awards will be given to top five in each event amateur and youth,
Pro-Am will 80% payback of entry in the class,
Pro-Lite will 50%
SuperMini will 50%
450 Pro will be a SET payback of:
1st $1000
2nd $500
3rd $250
4th $125
5th $100
6th $75
7th $50
8th $25
Pro Open 100% payback
Laps :
Yard Stock: 3 laps heat, 4 lap main
Amateur/Youth: 4lap heats, 8 lap mains
Pro-Lite: 5 lap heats, 10 lap mains
Pro-Am: 5 lap heats, 12 lap mains
Pro: 5 lap heats,15 lap mains
Pro Open 5 lap heats,12 lap Mains
***Any class with less than 5 riders will run 5 lap mains unless except pro classes ***
(Amateur laps subject to adjustment according to high rider count, track length, or time frame of the event)
Each rider must be a member of the of the MWEDT series to be eligible for year-end awards at Awards Banquet. Year-end Awards Banquet eligibility: must ride in 50% of the events to qualify for year end points.
PRO POINT FUND: $1 for every T.T. entry in ever classe all season will be put into a points fund which is distrubted to TOP 3 PRO & PRO-OPEN winners at the banquet. You must be present to recieve funds IF NOT the money goes to next in line that is present at the Banquet
All tracks will use the MWEDT race order for all MWEDT events.
CLASSES: All to be tech’d before raced
50cc- will split chain/shaft if 3 or more, 4-8 yrs
65cc- up to 110 4Stroke, 7-12 yrs
85cc- up to 150 4Stroke, 7-15 yrs
250cc- 125 4Stroke (80% payback), 12+ yrs
450cc (80% payback), 14+ yrs
+35 (80% payback)
- Youth and age group classes are based upon riders age as of rider January 1st and/or time of event. (Example: if a rider is 24 years old on Jan. 1st that rider can race the entire season in the 14-24 class even after they have turned 25 during the season. That same rider though cannot race in the 25+ class until their birthday that year.) . Must meet age for class and quad no exceptions
PRO riders must have run A, PROLITE, PRO-AM or age classes the prior year any other classes see rule below
If a Pro, Pro-Am, Pro-Lite, Amateur or youth rider feels they should be advanced sooner to a higher classification; the rider must submit a written request to the MWEDT and provide justification to be advanced before the season starts. Must meet age for class no exceptions
If a rider moves into PRO and sees he or she cannot compete they will be allowed to move back down a class 1 time
-Yard Stock: 50-90 2-cycle, 50-125 4-cycle, must be completely stock, no exceptions (stock tires included), no factory race quads, this class is limited to riders with less than 2 years’ experience. No exceptions.
-50cc Superstock: stock 50 2-cycle, stock 70 4-cycle (4-8 years) All stock, no exceptions. Flattrack tires and clutch/gearing are allowed. NO swarbar, aftermarket shocks, engine mods, etc.
90cc Superstock: stock 90 2-cycle, 125cc 4-cycle (7-15 years) All stock, no exceptions. Flattrack tires and clutch/gearing are allowed. NO swaybar, aftermarket shocks, engine mods, etc.
-70cc: Open modifications up to 70cc 2-cycle, 110 4-cycle (AGE 4-10 YEARS OLD) (Award all)
- 90 CVT: Open modifications 50-90 2-cycle, 50-125 4-cycle (AGE 7-15) (Award-top 5)
- Shifter: Open Modifications 50-115 2-Cycle, 50-150 4-Cycle, (age 7-15 years) (Award top 5)
- Super Mini: Open modified 125cc 2 stroke/150cc 4 stroke (AGE 7-15 years) (50% payback)
- YOUTH JR. 200-300: Open modified (AGE 10-14 years) 2 stroke(200cc) or 4 stroke(300cc)production atv,must have engine that matches frame no hybirds ,must be 200-300 size atvs,no 90s
-Youth SR. OPEN MOD(AGE12-16) 400cc 4stroke 240cc 2stroke,hybirds allowed,no debore or destroke 450 engines
-Pro: 200cc-450cc, Hybrds allowed, (AGE 18+) Riders age 16-17 must meet the approval of the referee and the MWEDT. Spec fuel class ($2125 Top 8 rider set payout) Riders are eligible to run in Open Pro and Pro-Am. Pro qualifying per event, 2 laps timed, single run, top 2 will be locked into the top 2 starting positions for their head race, remaining field will do a pill drawl for heat race, fastest qualifier will receive $100 per sponsor. If you miss the pro qualifier you will still be eligible for the pill drawl for your heat race. All riders must take the joker lane 1 time in the heat and main. If there is a red flag before the last lap or during the last lap, there will be a green white checker restart. (remember a RED flag goes back to the last completed lap for a restart so if you took the jokes on the RED flag lap then it does not count)
-Open Pro: Open cc’s Single cylinder Motorcycle or atv engine on any frame combo. Hybrds are allowed. Frame must be ATV design and pass tech (AGE 18+) Riders age 16-17 must meet the approval of the referee and the MWEDT OFFICIALS. Spec fuel class (100% payback) Open Pro Riders are eligible to run in Pro and Pro-am. All riders must take the joker lane 1 time in the heat and main. If there is a red flag before the last lap or during the last lap, there will be a green white checker restart. (remember a RED flag goes back to the last completed lap for a restart so if you took the joker on the RED flag lap then it does not count)
-Pro-Am: Open modified 200cc plus (AGE 15+) (80% money payout - 3:1 ratio) Eligible to race in Pro-lite, A class, Age classes. This must be second class
-Pro-am Outlaw Trikes: (80% payback) plus any added money, any size any rules must be safe and pass tech
-Pro-lite: (AGE 15+) 200-OPENcc,
(50% money payout - 3:1 ratio ) N0 AMA Pro’s, No MWEDT Pro’s, No NEEDT Pro’s (local pros allowed). ANY RIDER THAT WIN's the championship title 2 CONSECUTIVE YEARS MUST MOVE UP AND WILL NOT BE ELIG. FOR THIS CLASS for the following year. ProAm, A and age riders are elig for this class. Riders are NOT eligible to run in Open B, or Open C , youth classes, while they are participating in this class. This must be second class.
-Open A: (Age 15+) Open 200cc + “A” Class (Award Top 5)
-All MWEDT Open A Class Points Champions must move up in classification the following year and current or past champions in this class are no longer eligible to run this class. Riders are NOT eligible to run in Pro or Open Pro, B or C class, participating in this class.
-Open B: (Age 14+) Open 200cc+ , “B” Class, ( Award Top 5)
-All MWEDT Open B Class Points Champions must move up in classification the following year and current or past champions in this class are no longer eligible to run this class. Riders are NOT eligible to run in Pro, Pro-lite, Pro-am, or Open C Classes if participating in this class. If a rider moves upwards from this class during the MWEDT series (Pro-lite or Pro-am), they are no longer eligible to participate in this class for the remainder of the season but may petition the MWEDT series to return to this class the following season. Local Pro riders will not be allowed to run this class.
-Open C: (Age 14+) Open 200cc+ “C” Class (trophy top 5) All MWEDT Current and past Open C champions must move upwards in classification the following season. “NO Sandbagging” A rider who participates in this class whose level of riding far exceeds the other riders can be asked to move up in classification by MWEDT officials during the course of the season. Riders are NOT eligible to run in Pro-am, Pro-lite, Open B and Pro if participating in this class. If a rider moves upwards in classification in the MWEDT series (Open B, Pro-lite, or Pro-Am) during the season they may not return to this class until the after the end of the season and must petition the MWEDT board to return to this class. Other series classification does not apply. Local Pro riders will not be allowed to run this class.
-Women's: Open- modified 200cc + , Age 14+, Female only participants allowed,. (Award top 5) All Women racing must register in Women’s Class, 400cc and down are exempt from this rules as well as past Champions.
Women’s Novice (14+) 400cc 4stroke 240cc 2stroke limit no hybirds ,no past womens champions ,no prior year top 3 in points,must be 3 or will run with Women’s class and scored seperate
-2Stroke/400: any size vintage 2-cycle, up to 440cc 4-cycle, no 450 de-stroke or debore
-Age Groups: Open modified 200cc plus Classes: 14-24yrs, 25+, 35+, 45+ (Award top 5) Eligible for all riders that fall within that age category at time of the race. Any rider deemed a “Pro” rider is not eligible to participate in these classes, all other riders are eligible for these classes.
Riders age is based upon age at time of event and /or riders age as of January 1st of that year (see above details)
-Trike Vintage (Age 14+) Must have 5 or more riders to run this class separately or will be ran with trike outlaw scored separate where applicable
-Trike 200cc vintage
-Knobby: no swaybar, right height must be 6.5" from the ground (based off 200lb rider)
-Heavy metal: (age 14+) 280lb plus, open cc, any size'
- Adult 90 stock: ( age 18+ ) 90cc or Chinese bike up to 125cc 4 cycle no race bikes. BONE STOCK. ( any kid that rides this bike in the kid 90 stock will get a free entry )
- Kid 90 stock: ( age 7-14 ) 90cc or Chinese bike up to 125cc 4cycle no race bikes. BONE STOCK.
Machines may be used in multiple classes by the same rider provided that both rider and ATV meet the requirements of the class.
All machines must be class legal each time they pull up to the starting line or be subject to disqualification. A rider may change machines between races as long as the replacement is class legal. If a machine is changed after qualifying (heats) that rider will get the last gate pick for the main event. Starting position will be 25’ behind the last occupied line or the penalty line. Once a race is started,
there can be no changing of machines. START OF RACE will be defined as FIRST ATTEMPTED START, even if it results in a complete restart. If you switch bikes (before the start of the main event) it also has to be approved by the referee or the rider will be subject for disqualification for that race.
Production Classes: Stock frame and ATV engine cases from the original manufacturer of that make and model must be used. OEM frames may have material added for strength. These changes shall not affect frame geometry. Only bolt-on components allowed. Year models may be mixed as long at its the same
All youth riders must fit the ATV. With rider in normal riding position with hands on handlebars, there must be a bend in the elbows; fingers much reach all control levers. Rider in a standing position on foot pegs must have 3 inches of space between seat and rider inseam.
Safety Equipment and Machine Eligibility are the sole responsibility of the rider. After registration and prior to practice, a mandatory courtesy inspection will be performed at each event to check number plates and numbers, tether cord, kill switch, nerf bars and machine width (51”). Random equipment inspections may be done and may include, but not limited to, fuel, sound, width, and displacement. If a machine does not pass inspection, it will not be allowed to compete.
All ATV’s must use petroleum-based gasoline. No alcohol allowed.
An engine may be bored or stroked, to change displacement classes, but must not exceed the class limit. Example: 250cc engine may be increased to a maximum of 300ccfor the 300 class There is no .080 inches overbore allowed, over the class limit. No downsizing in Youth Classes. Only atv or dirt bike motors are allowed. No street bike or other motors allowed.
All ATV’s must have dirt track tires (except yard, 90 stock and Knobby classes as per tracks discretion), nerf bars or suitable floorboards, working tether cord, maximum width of 51”, all glass much be covered, control levers must have ball ends, and axle nuts must have cotter pins or clips.
At the Referee’s discretion, the number of laps for Heats and Mains may be changed if track or weather conditions warrant.
Classes with 5 or less riders may be combined with 2nd class. Race will have one (1) start with fastest class starting on Row 1 and slower class starting on Row 2./if it’s a equal class they will be combined in normal starting procedure and scored separate
Racers (including 1 crew member) are not allowed to do any shoveling or sweeping at the starting line. After bringing their machine to the starting line, RACERS ONLY, are allowed to use hands or feet to clear his start spot, BEHIND START LINE. For Concrete pads, the racer or 1 pit crew member only, will be allowed to broom off their starts. Mechanics are only allowed to an area behind the starting line to assist. They are not allowed in the starting area. The 2-minute rule still applies.
A rider protest must be completed in writing within 30 minutes of the protest form (see blow) the race being complete (if the protest is from the heat race, the atv will be impounded. The rider and pit crew will still able to work under referee/official supervision and will be able to race remaining heat races and mains unless visible illegal) with riders name, class, race number and discrepancy. Along with the protestors printed name and signature. See Pretest form below.
Any race motor or race quad can be subject to inspection at any time throughout the race weekend by the Referee.\
The use of Non-OE Metal fenders is prohibited.
Font and rear number plates are required ,front may be on hood as long as its visible The numbers are recommended to be 6” block numbers, a minimum of 4” may be allowed. No shading or outlining is allowed. If the Referee deems a rider’s number plate is not clear enough for scoring, the rider must correct the plate. The number plates and numbers must have contrasting colors, be clear, legible, and have a professional appearance. Example: Single number 4", double numbers 5", triple numbers 6". Wood or metal number plates are prohibited unless bolted on. “Pro Riders” are recommended to use Blue backgrounds with White lettering. #1 plate may be red with white number if they won class prior year for all classes. All other riders and classes must run white numberplates with black numbers. THIS WILL BE TECHed
Any disqualification/probation/suspension will be grounds of a written/verbal response and delivered to the rider or guardian. The rider has 10 days from when the letter was sent to appeal. The MWEDT will then review the appeal with a decision if needed.
Rider entry fees:
It is the duty and the responsibility of the riders to determine the class in which he or she belongs. MWEDT officials will not move someone up just because they are fast. You must have proof that a rider rode in a higher class in a national. If you ride in Pro or Pro-Am in any local series, you will not be allowed in C class. If you won A, B, C class points in prior year, you are required to move up.
A Rider must ride the same quad in the main event that was ridden in the heat race. If a different quad is ridden in the main event than was ridden in the heat, the rider must start from penalty line as designated by the race official.
All events will run qualifying heats and a main event. The number of riders in heats will be determined by track width, with a minimum of 60” per machine. All riders in heats will get a front-row start. (maximum 10 riders) If there are more riders in a class than can be accommodated on the starting line, multiple heats will be run. If there are 21 or more riders, one or more LCQ’s will be ran.
Heats are timed. The winner of the fastest heat will get first pick in the main, and the winner of the next fastest heat will get second pick in the main, and so on. Equal number of riders from each heat race will transfer to the main, leaving a fewer number to transfer from the LCQ’s. No more than 20 will participate in the main.
***(If a push start is required, permission must be obtained from the referee or staging official to cross line prior to start of the race) ***
A rider must be on the starting line or have a representative from his/her pit to call for 2 minutes. If no one is representing the rider, the MWEDT official will announce for the rider. At the end of line up, if the racer or his/her representative hasn’t showed up the race, the race will start without them. If the racer shows up after line up is complete, racer will start at rear of line up.
A rider must cross the start line to be scored for race-heat and main. If the rider misses the heat, as long as he’s signed up and quad was inspected, he/she may race main from penalty row. The rider will have a last place starting position and receive no heat points. Nobody is allowed to sign the rider up but himself if he/she is of age.
***Nobody but the racer/official in the designated starting area. (excluding kid’s & women classes) ***
Any rider whose tires/tire crosses the starting line before the start will be moved to the penalty line, and the position is left vacant on any subsequent start or restart of the race.
The quad must remain on the track/staging during this time. Mechanics are not allowed to wrench on the quad, but they can assist the rider with tooling, Riders are allowed to work on the quad.
Cutting the course will be determined by MWEDT officials. This infraction will be judged on a case by case basis. If a race must be stopped because of a rider/riders obstructing the progress and safety of a race, that rider or riders will restart on penalty row or last place slots in single file start.
Single file start will take place after completion of one lap. Single file starts will be determined off the last completed lap. If a race has to be stopped, single file restarts, the flagger will point at the 1st place leader, when the leader takes off, the race starts. No passing until you pass the flagger.
If for any reason the race must be stopped it may be considered complete if the leading rider has completed over 50% of the laps. Once the white flag is given the race cannot be restarted. If the race event must be stopped due to weather, final race results will set according the finish positions in the heat race.
Lapped riders must move over or be black flagged. If a black flag has been given to a rider, the rider refuses to move over, the rider will be disqualified and score no points for the event.
DNS means did not start. A rider not crossing the starting line will receive DNS. DNF means did not finish. A rider who DNF’s will receive last place points in the main event but they must cross the starting line.
Age as of January 1, 2020 will determine your age group.
Yellow flag situation: No passing/no improving of a position per flag area. Only a MWEDT official is allowed to assist. Penalty is a minimum of one finishing position per infraction. This will be a decision of the race official.
The white flag is a courtesy flag. It is not necessary to display the white flag at the beginning of the last lap. It is the rider’s responsibility to race to the checkered flag. The Finish line is always at the Main Flagger, where the checker flag is thrown, unless noted in riders meeting.
Any verbal harassment, physical abuse, including social media will be grounds for penalty, fine, suspension or permanent disqualification.
Rider is responsible for the action of their pit members in his/her pit. If pit member verbally harasses or physically abuses any MWEDT officials, the rider could be penalized or permanently disqualification.
No alcoholic beverages or illegal substances will be allowed on the track or the staging area. Riders are required not use any of the above-mentioned substances before or during an event as long as they remain in competition. Any rider that is impaired will not be allowed to compete and may be subject to permanent disqualification or suspension.
A rider is responsible for the action of their own pit crew. Infractions by a rider’s pit crew or associated spectators could be grounds for disqualification.
All riders will be given a front row start in the heat race. If a rider refuses front row start and elects to start on second row that will be up to the official.
Riders are to line up directly behind the starting line placed by an official. If a rider jumps/crosses the line, the rider/riders will be moved to the penalty line. The penalty row is 25ft behind the number of rows that are in the mains- the same spot for heat and mains in all classes.
Tire warmups must be done prior to the start line. All classes excluding Pro and Open Pro. If you must warm your tires up, it must be done behind the starting line/lines.
STARTS, in one of the following ways: (A)With a light-Light will be red and goes to green or nothing to green (B)With a flag-Once the starter has touched flag to the ground, the rider will go on first movement of flag.
Any rider who leaves the track to the pits after the start of a race will be disqualified for that race. A rider can work on their quad under a green flag condition only if the work performed in a designated area. Parents can help in the Youth classes and Women’s class.
If a race was stopped because riders were down, the first rider down is placed in the restart, etc., with the last rider down behind the last rider who did not fall. If for any reason a rider does not complete the red-flagged lap, he too will be placed in the rear of the restart in a position respective of his stoppage.
When an event is stopped (red-flag) before being completed, the rider and pit crew can adjust on the quad and must be in the designated work area. (5 minutes during final events) (heat the rider must be ready for a restart. no extra time is allowed.)
If the race is called complete, the riders will be scored in the position in which they would have restarted or the last completed lap.
In the event of rain, heat races can be scored as finals for that event.
Any rider found using alcohol or illegal drugs during an event (while racing taking place) can be disqualified from an event immediately and can be suspended for no less than one year from all MWEDT events.
The use of electronic communication devices is prohibited, and a rider found using such devices will be disqualified from that race.
No Drones with exception of approval from MWEDT.
All Venders and Photographers must receive prior approval with MWEDT.
If a rider is found to of entered in a class that is beyond his/her level of riding ability MWEDT reserves the right to ask that rider to move down in classification to a class that better suits their ability at the discretion of the MWEDT official.
Any rider that is riding recklessly or dangerously and putting other riders at risk will be “Black” Flagged and disqualified from the race. Failure to comply pulling off the race track will result in immediate suspension from that event plus no less than one additional MWEDT event or determined by the board.
Season end points for all classes will be based on top finishes of each rider with one race throw out. In the determination finishes of the season end points a throw out race CAN BE a race that the rider did not attend or if the rider attends all his/her lowest score will be the throw out.
If a regularly scheduled event is cancelled due to uncontrollable circumstances the event will be rescheduled. If the event cannot be rescheduled and the series will become a shortened series for the year. End of the season points will be adjusted accordingly to account for the throw out race as stated above.
A rider must understand the risk involved upon entering an event and takes full responsibility for their own safety. No persons can participate in an event unless they have signed a waiver stating they understand the risk involved. No rider may practice or be on the track without signing up. All riders must have an armband prior to sign up or you will not be allowed to sign up.
Awards will be given to top five in each event amateur and youth,
Pro-Am will 80% payback of entry in the class,
Pro-Lite will 50% and top 5 trophy Award,
SuperMini will 50% and top 5 trophy Award,
450 Pro will be a SET payback of:
1st $1000
2nd $500
3rd $250
4th $125
5th $100
6th $75
7th $50
8th $25
Pro Open 100% payback
Laps :
Yard Stock: 3 laps heat, 4 lap main
Amateur/Youth: 5 lap heats, 8 lap mains
Pro-Lite: 5 lap heats, 10 lap mains
Pro-Am: 5 lap heats, 12 lap mains
Pro: 5 lap heats,15 lap mains
***Any class with less than 5 riders will run 5 lap mains unless noted***
(Amateur laps subject to adjustment according to high rider count, track length, or time frame of the event)
Each rider must be a member of the of the MWEDT series to be eligible for year-end awards at Awards Banquet. Year-end Awards Banquet eligibility: must ride in 50% of the events to qualify for year end points.
- PRO POINT FUND: $1 for every T.T. entry in ever classe all season will be put into a points fund which is distrubted to TOP 3 PRO & PRO-OPEN winners at the banquet. You must be present to recieve funds IF NOT the money goes to next in line that is present at the Banquet
All tracks will use the MWEDT race order for all MWEDT events.
Riders will get one practice per quad.
CLASSES: All to be tech’d before raced
Open Pro
Pro-Am Outlaw Trike
Open A
Open B
Open C
2 Stroke/400 cc 4-stroke
Heavy Metal (280lbs+)
90cc CVT
90cc Shifter
Yard Stock
50 Superstock
90 Superstock
90 Stock
200-400 Youth (10-15yrs)
Trike Vintage
Support Classes (at certain events)
50cc- will split chain/shaft if 3 or more, 4-8 yrs
65cc- up to 110 4Stroke, 7-12 yrs
85cc- up to 150 4Stroke, 7-15 yrs
250cc- 125 4Stroke (80% payback), 12+ yrs
450cc (80% payback), 14+ yrs
+35 (80% payback)
- Youth and age group classes are based upon riders age as of rider January 1st and/or time of event. (Example: if a rider is 24 years old on Jan. 1st that rider can race the entire season in the 14-24 class even after they have turned 25 during the season. That same rider though cannot race in the 25+ class until their birthday that year.)
PRO riders must have run A, PROLITE, PRO-AM or age classes the prior year any other classes see rule below
If a Pro, Pro-Am, Pro-Lite, Amateur or youth rider feels they should be advanced sooner to a higher classification; the rider must submit a written request to the MWEDT and provide justification to be advanced before the season starts.
If a rider moves into PRO and sees he or she cannot compete they will be allowed to move back down a class 1 time
-Yard Stock: 50-90 2-cycle, 50-125 4-cycle, must be completely stock, no exceptions (stock tires included), no factory race quads, this class is limited to riders with less than 2 years’ experience. No exceptions.
-50cc Superstock: stock 50 2-cycle, stock 50 4-cycle (4-8 years) All stock, no exceptions. Flattrack tires and clutch/gearing are allowed. NO swarbar, aftermarket shocks, ingine mods, etc.
90cc Superstock: stock 90 2-cycle, 125cc 4-cycle (7-15 years) All stock, no exceptions. Flattrack tires and clutch/gearing are allowed. NO swaybar, aftermarket shocks, ingine mods, etc.
-70cc: Open modifications up to 70cc 2-cycle, 110 4-cycle (AGE 4-10 YEARS OLD) (Award all)
- 90 CVT: Open modifications 50-90 2-cycle, 50-125 4-cycle (AGE 7-15) (Award-top 5)
- 90 Shifter: Open Modifications 50-90 2-Cycle, 50-125 4-Cycle, (age 7-15 years) (Award top 5)
- Super Mini: Open modified 125cc 2 stroke/150cc 4 stroke (AGE 7-15 years) (50% payback and Award trophy-top 5)
- YOUTH 200-400: Open modified (AGE 10-15 years) 2 stroke(200cc) or 4 stroke(400cc) Atv’s allowed. Cc’s max Hybrids limited to 250cc 4stokes Any racer that rode a 251cc-400cc Hybrid in 2021 will be grandfathered in this class with that atv for the 2022 season only
-Pro: 200cc-450cc, Hybrds allowed, (AGE 18+) Riders age 16-17 must meet the approval of the referee and the MWEDT. Spec fuel class ($2125 Top 8 rider set payout) Riders are eligible to run in Open Pro and Pro-Am. Pro qualifying per event, 2 laps timed, single run, top 2 will be locked into the top 2 starting positions for their head race, remaining field will do a pill drawl for heat race, fastest qualifier will receive $100 per sponsor. If you miss the pro qualifier you will still be eligible for the pill drawl for your heat race. All riders must take the joker lane 1 time in the heat and main. If there is a red flag before the last lap or during the last lap, there will be a green white checker restart. (remember a RED flag goes back to the last completed lap for a restart so if you took the jokes on the RED flag lap then it does not count)
-Open Pro: Open cc’s Single cylinder Motorcycle or atv engine on any frame combo. Hybrds are allowed. Frame must be ATV design and pass tech (AGE 18+) Riders age 16-17 must meet the approval of the referee and the MWEDT OFFICIALS. Spec fuel class (100% payback) Open Pro Riders are eligible to run in Pro and Pro-am. All riders must take the joker lane 1 time in the heat and main. If there is a red flag before the last lap or during the last lap, there will be a green white checker restart. (remember a RED flag goes back to the last completed lap for a restart so if you took the joker on the RED flag lap then it does not count)
-Pro-Am: Open modified 200cc plus (AGE 15+) (80% money payout - 3:1 ratio) Eligible to race in Pro-lite, A class, Age classes. This must be second class
-Pro-am Outlaw Trikes: (80% payback) plus any added money, any size any rules must be safe and pass tech
-Pro-lite: (AGE 15+) 200-OPENcc,
(50% money payout - 3:1 ratio ) N0 AMA Pro’s, No MWEDT Pro’s, No NEEDT Pro’s (local pros allowed). ANY RIDER THAT WIN's the championship title 2 CONSECUTIVE YEARS MUST MOVE UP AND WILL NOT BE ELIG. FOR THIS CLASS for the following year. ProAm, A and age riders are elig for this class. Riders are NOT eligible to run in Open B, or Open C , youth classes, while they are participating in this class. This must be second class.
-Open A: (Age 15+) Open 200cc + “A” Class (Award Top 5)
-All MWEDT Open A Class Points Champions must move up in classification the following year and current or past champions in this class are no longer eligible to run this class. Riders are NOT eligible to run in Pro or Open Pro, B or C class, participating in this class.
-Open B: (Age 14+) Open 200cc+ , “B” Class, ( Award Top 5)
-All MWEDT Open B Class Points Champions must move up in classification the following year and current or past champions in this class are no longer eligible to run this class. Riders are NOT eligible to run in Pro, Pro-lite, Pro-am, or Open C Classes if participating in this class. If a rider moves upwards from this class during the MWEDT series (Pro-lite or Pro-am), they are no longer eligible to participate in this class for the remainder of the season but may petition the MWEDT series to return to this class the following season. Local Pro riders will not be allowed to run this class.
-Open C: (Age 14+) Open 200cc+ “C” Class (trophy top 5) All MWEDT Current and past Open C champions must move upwards in classification the following season. “NO Sandbagging” A rider who participates in this class whose level of riding far exceeds the other riders can be asked to move up in classification by MWEDT officials during the course of the season. Riders are NOT eligible to run in Pro-am, Pro-lite, Open B and Pro if participating in this class. If a rider moves upwards in classification in the MWEDT series (Open B, Pro-lite, or Pro-Am) during the season they may not return to this class until the after the end of the season and must petition the MWEDT board to return to this class. Other series classification does not apply. Local Pro riders will not be allowed to run this class.
-Women's: Open- modified 200cc + , Age 14+, Female only participants allowed,. (Award top 5) All Women racing must register in Women’s Class, 400cc and down are exempt from this rules as well as past Champions.
-2Stroke/400: any size vintage 2-cycle, up to 440cc 4-cycle, no 450 de-stroke
-Age Groups: Open modified 200cc plus Classes: 14-24yrs, 25+, 35+, 45+ (Award top 5) Eligible for all riders that fall within that age category at time of the race. Any rider deemed a “Pro” rider is not eligible to participate in these classes, all other riders are eligible for these classes.
Riders age is based upon age at time of event and /or riders age as of January 1st of that year (see above details)
-Trike Vintage (Age 14+) Must have 5 or more riders to run this class separately or will be ran with trike outlaw scored separate
-Knobby: no swaybar, right height must be 6.5" from the ground (based off 200lb rider)
-Heavy metal: (age 14+) 280lb plus, open cc, any size
Machines may be used in multiple classes by the same rider provided that both rider and ATV meet the requirements of the class.
All machines must be class legal each time they pull up to the starting line or be subject to disqualification. A rider may change machines between races as long as the replacement is class legal. If a machine is changed after qualifying (heats) that rider will get the last gate pick for the main event. Starting position will be 25’ behind the last occupied line or the penalty line. Once a race is started, there can be no changing of machines. START OF RACE will be defined as FIRST ATTEMPTED START, even if it results in a complete restart. If you switch bikes (before the start of the main event) it also has to be approved by the referee or the rider will be subject for disqualification for that race.
Production Classes: Stock frame and ATV engine cases from the original manufacturer of that make and model must be used. OEM frames may have material added for strength. These changes shall not affect frame geometry. Only bolt-on components allowed. Year models may be mixed as long at its the same
All youth riders must fit the ATV. With rider in normal riding position with hands on handlebars, there must be a bend in the elbows; fingers much reach all control levers. Rider in a standing position on foot pegs must have 3 inches of space between seat and rider inseam.
Safety Equipment and Machine Eligibility are the sole responsibility of the rider. After registration and prior to practice, a mandatory courtesy inspection will be performed at each event to check number plates and numbers, tether cord, kill switch, nerf bars and machine width (51”). Random equipment inspections may be done and may include, but not limited to, fuel, sound, width, and displacement. If a machine does not pass inspection, it will not be allowed to compete.
All ATV’s must use petroleum-based gasoline. No alcohol allowed.
An engine may be bored or stroked, to change displacement classes, but must not exceed the class limit. Example: 400cc engine may be increased to a maximum of 450cc. There is no .080 inches overbore allowed, over the class limit. No downsizing in Youth Classes. Only atv or dirt bike motors are allowed. No street bike or other motors allowed.
All ATV’s must have dirt track tires (except 50cc, 70cc and Knobby classes as per tracks discretion), nerf bars or suitable floorboards, working tether cord, maximum width of 51”, all glass much be covered, control levers must have ball ends, and axle nuts must have cotter pins or clips.
At the Referee’s discretion, the number of laps for Heats and Mains may be changed if track or weather conditions warrant.
Classes with 5 or less riders may be combined with 2nd class. Race will have one (1) start with fastest class starting on Row 1 and slower class starting on Row 2./if it’s a equal class they will be combined in normal starting procedure and scored separate
Racers (including crew members) are not allowed to do any shoveling or sweeping at the starting line. After bringing their machine to the starting line, RACERS ONLY, are allowed to use hands or feet to clear his start spot, BEHIND START LINE. For Concrete pads, the racer only, will be allowed to broom off their starts. Mechanics are only allowed to an area behind the starting line to assist. They are not allowed in the starting area. The 2-minute rule still applies.
A rider protest must be completed in writing within 30 minutes of the protest form (see blow) the race being complete (if the protest is from the heat race, the atv will be impounded. The rider and pit crew will still able to work under referee/official supervision and will be able to race remaining heat races and mains unless visible illegal) with riders name, class, race number and discrepancy. Along with the protestors printed name and signature. See Pretest form below.
Any race motor or race quad can be subject to inspection at any time throughout the race weekend by the Referee.\
The use of Non-OE Metal fenders is prohibited.
Font and rear number plates are required ,front may be on hood as long as its visible The numbers are recommended to be 6” block numbers, a minimum of 4” may be allowed. No shading or outlining is allowed. If the Referee deems a rider’s number plate is not clear enough for scoring, the rider must correct the plate. The number plates and numbers must have contrasting colors, be clear, legible, and have a professional appearance. Example: Single number 4", double numbers 5", triple numbers 6". Wood or metal number plates are prohibited unless bolted on. “Pro Riders” are recommended to use Blue backgrounds with White lettering.
Any disqualification/probation/suspension will be grounds of a written/verbal response and delivered to the rider or guardian. The rider has 10 days from when the letter was sent to appeal. The MWEDT will then review the appeal with a decision if needed.
2020 RULES
Rider entry fees:
PRO $100
PRO-AM $75
AM $35
50CC $25
It is the duty and the responsibility of the riders to determine the class in which he or she belongs. MWEDT officials will not move someone up just because they are fast. You must have proof that a rider rode in a higher class in a national. If you ride in Pro or Pro-Am in any local series, you won’t be allowed in C class. If you won C or B class points in prior year you are required to move up.
A Rider must ride the same quad in the main event that was ridden in the heat race. If a different quad is ridden in the main event than was ridden in the heat, the rider must start from penalty line as designated by the race official.
All events will run qualifying heats and a main event. The number of riders in heats will be determined by track width, with a minimum of 60” per machine. All riders in heats will get a front-row start. (maximum 10 riders) If there are more riders in a class than can be accommodated on the starting line, multiple heats will be run. If there are 21 or more riders, one or more LCQ’s will be ran.
Heats are timed. The winner of the fastest heat will get first pick in the main, and the winner of the next fastest heat will get second pick in the main, and so on. Equal number of riders from each heat race will transfer to the main, leaving a fewer number to transfer from the LCQ’s. No more than 20 will participate in the main.
***(If a push start is required, permission must be obtained from the referee or staging official to cross line prior to start of the race) ***
A rider must be on the starting line or have a representative from his/her pit to call for 2 minutes. If no one is representing the rider, the MWEDT official will announce for the rider. At the end of line up, if the racer or his/her representative hasn’t showed up the race, the race will start without them. If the racer shows up after line up is complete, racer will start at rear of line up.
A rider must cross the start line to be scored for race-heat and main. If the rider misses the heat, as long as he’s signed up and quad was inspected, he may race main from penalty row. The rider will have a last place starting position and receive no heat points. No one is allowed to sign the rider up but himself if he/she is of age.
***Nobody but the racer/official in the designated starting area. (excluding kid’s & women classes) ***
Any rider whose tires/tire crosses the starting line before the start will be moved to the penalty line, and the position is left vacant on any subsequent start or restart of the race.
The quad must remain on the track/staging during this time. Mechanics are not allowed to wrench on the quad, but they can assist the rider with tooling, Riders are allowed to work on the quad.
Cutting the course will be determined by MWEDT officials. This infraction will be judged on a case by case basis. If a race must be stopped because of a rider/riders obstructing the progress and safety of a race. That rider or riders will restart on penalty row or last place slots in single file start.
Single file start will take place after completion of one lap. Single file starts will be determined off the last completed lap. If a race has to be stopped, Single file restarts, the flagger will point at the 1st place leader, when the leader takes off, the race starts. No passing until you pass the flagger.
If for any reason the race must be stopped it may be considered complete if the leading rider has completed over 50% of the laps. Once the white flag is given the race cannot be restarted. If the race event must be stopped due to weather, final race results will set according the finish positions in the heat race.
Lapped riders must move over or be black flagged. If a black flag has been given to a rider, the rider refuses to move over, the rider will be disqualified and score no points for the event.
DNS means did not start. A rider not crossing the starting line will receive DNS. DNF means did not finish. A rider who DNF’s will receive will receive last place points in the main event as long as they crossed the starting line.
Age as of January 1, 2020 will will determine your age group.
Yellow flag situation: No passing/no improving of a position per flag area. Penalty is a minimum of one finishing position per infraction. This will be a decision of the race official.
The white flag is a courtesy flag. It is not necessary to display the white flag at the beginning of the last lap. It is the rider’s responsibility to ride to checkered flag. The Finish line is always at the Main Flagger where the checker flag is thrown, unless noted in riders meeting.
Any verbal harassment, physical abuse, including social media will be grounds for penalty, fine or permanent disqualification.
Rider is responsible for the action of their pit members in his or her pit. If pit member verbally harasses or physically abuses any MWEDT officials, the rider could be permanently disqualification.
No alcoholic beverages or illegal substances will be allowed on the track or the staging area. Riders are required not use any of the above mentioned substances before or during an event as long as they remain in competition. Any rider that is impaired will not be allowed to compete and may be subject to permanent disqualification or suspension.
A rider is responsible for the action of their own pit crew. Infractions by a rider’s pit crew or associated spectators could be grounds for disqualification.
All riders will be given a front row start in the heat race. If a rider refuses front row start and elects to start on second row that will be up to the official.
Riders are to line up directly behind the starting line placed by an official. If a rider jumps/crosses the line, the rider/riders will be moved to the penalty line. The penalty row is 25ft behind the amount of rows that are in the mains- the same spot for heat and mains in all classes.
Tire warm ups must be done prior to the start line. All classes excluding Pro. If you must warm your tires up, it must be done behind the starting line/lines.
STARTS, in one of the following ways (A)With a light-Light will be red and goes to green or nothing to green (B)With a flag-Once the starter has touched flag to the ground, the rider will go on first movement of flag.
Any rider who leaves the track to the pits after the start of a race will be disqualified for that race. A rider is allowed to work on their quad under a green flag condition only if the work performed in a designated area. Parents are allowed to help in the youth classes and Womens.
If a race was stopped because riders were down, the first rider down is placed in the restart, etc., with the last rider down behind the last rider who did not fall. If for any reason a rider does not complete the red-flagged lap, he too will be placed in the rear of the restart in a position respective of his stoppage.
When an event is stopped (red-flag) before being completed, the rider and pit crews can only adjust and must be in the desinated work area, four minutes after the red flag (eight minutes during final events) or when the track is safe for racing.
If the race is called complete, the riders will be scored in the position in which they would have restarted or the last completed lap.
In the event of rain, heats can be scored as finals for that event.
Any rider found using alcohol or illegal drugs during an event (while racing taking place) can be disqualified from an event immediately and can be suspended for no less than one year from any and all MWEDT events.
The use of electronic communication devises is prohibited and a rider found using such devices will be disqualified from that race.
No Drones with exception of track photographer with approval MWEDT official.
All Venders and Photographers must receive prior approval with MWEDT.
If a rider is found to of entered in a class that is beyond his/her level of riding ability MWEDT reserves the right to ask that rider to move down in classification to a class that better suits their ability at the discretion of the MWEDT official.
Any rider that is riding recklessly or dangerously and putting other riders at risk will be “ Black” Flagged and disqualified from the race. Failure to comply to pulling off the race track will result in immediate suspension from that event plus no less than one additional MWEDT event.
Season end points for all classes will be based on top finishes of each rider with one race throw out. In the determination finishes of the season end points a throw out race CAN BE a race that the rider did not attend or if the rider attends all of his or her lowest score will be the throw out.
In the event that a regularly scheduled event is cancelled due to uncontrollable circumstances the event will be rescheduled. If the event cannot be rescheduled and the series will become a shortened series for the year. End of the season points will be adjusted accordingly to account for the throw out race as stated above.
A rider must understand the risk involved upon entering an event and takes full responsibility for their own safety. No persons can participate in an event unless they have signed a waiver stating they understand the risk involved. No rider may practice or be on the track without signing up.
1st $1000
2nd $500
3rd $250
4th $125
5th $100
6th $75
7th $50
8th $25
Laps :
Yard Stock: 3 laps heat, 4 lap main
Amateur/Youth: 5 lap heats, 8 lap mains
Pro-Lite: 5 lap heats, 10 lap mains
Pro-Am: 5 lap heats, 12 lap mains
Pro: 5 lap heats,15 lap mains
***Any class with less than 5 riders will run 5 lap mains unless noted***
(Amateur laps subject to adjustment according to high rider count, track length, or time frame of the event)
Each rider must be a member of the of the MWEDT series to be eligible for year-end awards at Awards Banquet.
Year-end Awards Banquet eligibility: must ride in 50% of the events to qualify for year end points.
All tracks will use the MWEDT race order for all MWEDT events.
Riders will get one practice per quad.
CLASSES: All to be tech’d before raced
Open Pro
Pro-Am Outlaw Trike
Open A
Open B
Open C
2 Stroke/400 cc 4-stroke
90cc CVT
90cc Shifter
Yard Stock
200-400 Youth (10-15yrs)
Trike Vintage
Support Classes (at certain events)
50cc- will split chain/shaft if 3 or more, 4-8 yrs
65cc- up to 110 4Stroke, 7-12 yrs
85cc- up to 150 4Stroke, 7-15 yrs
250cc- 125 4Stroke (80% payback), 12+ yrs
450cc (80% payback), 14+ yrs
+35 (80% payback)
- Youth and age group classes are based upon riders age as of rider January 1st and/or time of event. (Example: if a rider is 24 years old on Jan. 1st that rider can race the entire season in the 14-24 class even after they have turned 25 during the season. That same rider though cannot race in the 25+ class until their birthday that year.)
-Yard Stock: 50-90 2-cycle, 50-110 4-cycle, must be completely stock, no exceptions (stock tires included), no factory race quads, this class is limited to riders with less than 2 years’ experience
- 50-70cc: Open modifications up to 70cc 2-cycle 110 4-cycle (AGE 4-10 YEARS OLD) (Award all)
- 90 CVT: Open modifications 50-90 2-cycle, 50-125 4-cycle (AGE 7-15) (Award-top 5)
- 90 Shifter: Open Modifications 50-90 2-Cycle, 50-125 4-Cycle, (age 7-15 years) (Award top 5)
- Super Mini: Open modified 125cc 2 stroke/150cc 4 stroke (AGE 7-15 years) (50% payback and Award trophy-top 5), less than 4 this class will be ran with youth class scored separate
- YOUTH 200-400: Open modified (AGE 10-15 years) 2 stroke or 4 stroke Atv’s allowed. Cc’s max
-Pro: 200cc-450cc, Hybrds allowed, (AGE 18+) Riders age 16-17 must meet the approval of the referee and the MWEDT OFFICIALS. Spec fuel class ($2125 Top 8 rider set payout) Riders are eligible to run in Open Pro and Pro-Am. Pro qualifying per event, 2 laps timed, single run, top 2 will be locked into the top 2 starting positions for their head race, remaining field will do a pill drawl for heat race, fastest qualifier will receive $100 per sponsor. If you miss the pro qualifier you will still be eligible for the pill drawl for your heat race.
-Open Pro: Open cc’s Single cylinder Motorcycle or atv engine on any frame combo. Hybrds are allowed. Frame must be ATV design and pass tech (AGE 18+) Riders age 16-17 must meet the approval of the referee and the MWEDT OFFICIALS. Spec fuel class (100% payback) Open Pro Riders are eligible to run in Pro and Pro-am.
-Pro-Am riders: Open modified 200cc plus (AGE 15+) (80% money payout - 3:1 ratio) Eligible to race in Pro-lite, A class, Age classes. This must be second class
-Pro-am Outlaw Trikes: (80% payback) plus any added money, any size any rules must be safe and pass tech
-Pro-lite: (AGE 15+) 200-OPENcc ,(50% money payout - 3:1 ratio )
N0 AMA Pro’s, No MWEDT Pro’s, No NEEDT Pro’s (local pros allowed)
No MWEDT Pro-lite Past Points Champions
Riders are NOT eligible to run in Open B, or Open C , youth classes, while they are participating in this class. This must be second class.
-Open A: (Age 15+) Open 200cc + “A” Class (Award Top 5)
-All MWEDT Open A Class Points Champions must move up in classification the following year and current or past champions in this class are no longer eligible to run this class. Riders are NOT eligible to run in Pro or Open Pro, B or C class, participating in this class.
-Open B: (Age 14+) Open 200cc+ , “B” Class, ( Award Top 5)
-All MWEDT Open B Class Points Champions must move up in classification the following year and current or past champions in this class are no longer eligible to run this class. Riders are NOT eligible to run in Pro, Pro-lite, Pro-am, or Open C Classes if participating in this class. If a rider moves upwards from this class during the MWEDT series (Pro-lite or Pro-am), they are no longer eligible to participate in this class for the remainder of the season but may petition the MWEDT series to return to this class the following season. Local Pro riders will not be allowed to run this class.
-Open C: (Age 14+) Open 200cc+ “C” Class (trophy top 5) All MWEDT Current and past Open C champions must move upwards in classification the following season. “NO Sandbagging” A rider who participates in this class whose level of riding far exceeds the other riders can be asked to move up in classification by MWEDT officials during the course of the season. Riders are NOT eligible to run in Pro-am, Pro-lite, Open B and Pro if participating in this class. If a rider moves upwards in classification in the MWEDT series (Open B, Pro-lite, or Pro-Am) during the season they may not return to this class until the after the end of the season and must petition the MWEDT board to return to this class. Other series classification does not apply. Local Pro riders will not be allowed to run this class.
-Women's: Open- modified 200cc+ , Age 14+, Female only participants allowed,. (Award top 5) All Women racing must register in Women’s Class, 400cc and down are exempt from this rules as well as past Champions.
-2Stroke/400: any size vintage 2-cycle,up to 440cc 4-cycle, no 450 de-stroke
-Age Groups: Open modified 200cc plus Classes: 14-24yrs, 25+, 35+ (Award top 5) Eligible for all riders that fall within that age category at time of the race. Any rider deemed a “Pro” rider is not eligible to participate in these classes, all other riders are eligible for these classes.
Riders age is based upon age at time of event and /or riders age as of January 1st of that year (see above details)
-Trike Vintage ( Age 14+) Must have 5 or more riders to run this class separately or will be ran with trike outlaw scored separate
-Knobby: no lowering, no swaybar
Machines may be used in multiple classes by the same rider provided that both rider and ATV meet the requirements of the class.
Font and rear number plates are required ,front may be on hood as long as its visible The numbers are recommended to be 6” block numbers, a minimum of 4” may be allowed. No shading or outlining is allowed. If the Referee deems a rider’s number plate is not clear enough for scoring, the rider must correct the plate. The number plates and numbers must have contrasting colors, be clear, legible, and have a professional appearance. Example: Single number 4", double numbers 5", triple numbers 6". Wood or metal number plates are prohibited unless bolted on. “Pro Riders” are recommended to use Blue backgrounds with White lettering.
Any disqualification/probation/suspension will be grounds of a written/verbal response and delivered to the rider or guardian. The rider has 10 days from when the letter was sent to appeal. The MWEDT will then review the appeal with a decision if needed.
2019 RULES
Rider entry fees:
PRO $100.00
PRO-AM $75
It is the duty and the responsibility of the riders to determine the class in which he or she belongs. MWEDT officials will not move someone up just because they are fast. You must have proof that a rider rode in a higher class in a national. If you ride in Pro or Pro-Am in any local series you won’t be allowed in C class. If you won C or B class points in prior year you are required to move up.
A Rider must ride the same quad in the main event that was ridden in the heat race. If a different quad is ridden in the main event than was ridden in the heat, the rider must start from penalty line as designated by the race official.
All events will run qualifying heats and a main event. The number of riders in heats will be determined by track width, with a minimum of 60” per machine. All riders in heats will get a front-row start. (maximum 10 riders)
If there are more riders in a class than can be accommodated on the starting line, multiple heats will be run. If there are 21 or more riders, one or more LCQ’s will be run.
Heats are timed. The winner of the fastest heat will get first pick in the main, and the winner of the next fastest heat will get second pick from the main, and so on. Equal numbers of riders from each heat race will transfer to the main, leaving a fewer number to transfer from the LCQ’s. No more than 20 will participate in the main.
***(If a push start is required, permission must be obtained from the referee or staging official to cross line prior to start)***
A rider must be on the starting line or have a representative from his/her pit to call for 2 minutes. If no one is representing the rider, the MWEDT official will announce for the rider. At the end of line up, if the racer or his/her representative hasn’t showed up the race, it will start without them. If the racer shows up after line up is complete, racer will start at rear of line up.
A rider must cross the start line to be scored for race-heat and main. If the rider misses the heat as long as he’s signed up and quad was inspected, he may race main from penalty row. The rider will have a last place starting position and receive no heat points. No one is allowed to sign the rider up but himself if he/she is of age.
***Nobody but the racer/official in the designated starting area. (excluding kid’s & women classes)***
Any rider whose tires/tire crosses the starting line before the start will be moved to the penalty line, and the position is left vacant on any subsequent start or restart of the race.
The quad must remain on the track/staging during this time. Mechanics are not allowed to wrench on the quad, but they can assist the rider with tooling, Riders are allowed to work on the quad.
Cutting the course will be determined by MWEDT officials. This infraction will be judged on a case by case basis. If a race must be stopped because of a rider/riders obstructing the progress and safety of a race. That rider or riders will restart on penalty row or last place slots in single file start.
Single file start will take place after completion of one lap. Single file starts will be determined off the last completed lap. If a race has to be stopped, Single file restarts require no passing until you pass the designated flagger/spot (cone).
If for any reason the race must be stopped it may be considered complete if the leading rider has completed over 50% of the laps. If the race event must be stopped due to weather, final race results will set according the finish positions in the heat race.
Lapped riders must move over or be black flagged. If a black flag has been given to a rider, the rider refuses to move over, the rider will be disqualified and score no points for the event.
DNS means did not start. A rider not crossing the starting line will receive DNS. DNF means did not finish. A rider who DNF’s will receive will receive last place points in the main event as long as they crossed the starting line.
Age as of January 1, 2019 will receive determine will determine your age group.
Yellow flag situation: No passing/no improving of a position per flag area. Penalty is a minimum of one finishing position per infraction. This will be a decision of the race official.
The white flag is a courtesy flag. It is not necessary to display the white flag at the beginning of the last lap. It is the rider’s responsibility to ride to checkered flag. The Finish line is always at the Main Flagger where the checker flag is thrown, unless noted in riders meeting.
Any verbal harassment, physical abuse, including social media will be grounds for penalty, fine or permanent disqualification.
Rider is responsible for the action of their pit members in his or her pit. If pit member verbally harasses or physically abuses any MWEDT officials the rider will be permanently disqualification.
No alcoholic beverages or illegal substances will be allowed on the track or the staging area. Riders are required not use any of the above mentioned substances before or during an event as long as they remain in competition. Any rider that is impaired will not be allowed to compete and may be subject to permanent disqualification or suspension.
A rider is responsible for the action of their own pit crew. Infractions by a rider’s pit crew or associated spectators will be grounds for disqualification.
All riders will be given a front row start in the heat race. If a rider refuses front row start and elects to start on second row that will be up to the official.
Riders are to line up directly behind the starting line placed by an official. If a rider jumps/crosses the line, the rider/riders will be moved to the penalty line. The penalty row is 25ft behind the amount of rows that are in the mains- the same spot for heat and mains in all classes.
Tire warm ups must be done prior to the start line. All classes excluding Pro and Pro Am. If you must warm your tires up, it must be done behind the starting line/lines.
STARTS, in one of the following ways (A)With a light-Light will be red and goes to green or nothing to green (B)With a flag-Once the starter has touched flag to the ground, the rider will go on first movement of flag.
Any rider who leaves the track to the pits after the start of a race will be disqualified for that race. A rider is allowed to work on their quad under a green flag condition only if the work performed in a designated pit area. Parents are allowed to help in the youth classes and Womens.
If a race was stopped because riders were down, the first rider down is placed in the restart, etc., with the last rider down behind the last rider who did not fall. If for any reason a rider does not complete the red-flagged lap, he too will be placed in the rear of the restart in a position respective of his stoppage.
When an event is stopped (red-flag) before being completed, riders only can adjust must be in their assigned positions and ready to race four minutes after the red flag (eight minutes during final events) or when the track is safe for racing.
If the race is called complete, the riders will be scored in the position in which they would have restarted or the last completed lap.
In the event of rain, heats can be scored as finals for that event.
Any rider found using alcohol or illegal drugs during an event (while racing taking place) can be disqualified from an event immediately and can be suspended for no less than one year from any and all MWEDT events.
The use of electronic communication devises is prohibited and rider found using such devices will be disqualified from that event.
No Drones with exception of track photographer with approval MWEDT official.
All Venders and Photographers must receive prior approval with MWEDT.
If a rider is found to of entered in a class that is beyond his/her level of riding ability MWEDT reserves the right to ask that rider to move down in classification to a class that better suits their ability at the discretion of the MWEDT official.
Any rider that is riding recklessly or dangerously and putting other riders at risk will be “ Black” Flagged and disqualified from the race. Failure to comply to pulling off the race track will result in immediate suspension from that event plus no less than one additional MWEDT event.
Season end points for all classes will be based on top finishes of each rider with one race throw out. In the determination finishes of the season end points a throw out race CAN BE a race that the rider did not attend or if the rider attends all of his or her lowest score will be the throw out.
In the event that a regularly scheduled event is cancelled due to uncontrollable circumstances the event will be rescheduled one time. If the event cannot be rescheduled and the series will become a shortened series for the year. End of the season points will be adjusted accordingly to account for the throw out race as stated above.
A rider must understand the risk involved upon entering an event and takes full responsibility for their own safety. No rider can participate in an event unless they have signed a waiver stating they understand the risk involved. No rider may practice or be on the track without signing up.
Awards will be given to top five in each event amateur and youth. Pro-Am will 80% payback of entry in the class, Pro-Lite will 50% of entry in class Pro will be $2000 purse $1000 to win 2nd $500 3rd $250 4th $150 5th $100. Pro Open TBA, Any money can be added to these classes.
Laps :
50-90 Limited: 3lap heat 4lap main
Amateur/Youth: 5 lap heats 8 lap mains
Pro-Lite: 5 lap heats 10 lap mains
Pro-Am: 5 lap heats 12 lap mains
Pro: 5 lap heats 15 lap mains
***Any class with less than 5 riders will run 5 lap mains***
Each rider must be a member of the of the MWEDT series to be eligible for year-end awards at Awards Banquet.
Year-end Awards Banquet eligibility: must ride in 50% of the events to qualify for year end points.
All tracks will use the MWEDT race order for all MWEDT events.
Riders will get one practice per quad
CLASSES: All to be tech’d before raced
Pro 450
Pro Open
Pro-am Outlaw Trike
Open A
Open B
Open C
Any 2 stroke/400 cc 4-stroke
90 CVT
90 Shifter
50-90 Limted Stock
200-400 Youth (10-15yrs)
Trike Vintage
Support Classes (at certain events)
85cc Mod (7-15yrs)-must run dirt track tires that they normally run at that track
250cc Mod (14yrs and older)-must run dirt track tires that they normally run at that track
450cc Mod (14yrs and older)-must run dirt track tires that they normally run at that track
Youth Pit Bikes
Amateur Pit Bikes
- Youth and age group classes are based upon riders age as of rider January 1st and/or time of event. (Example: if a rider is 24 years old on Jan. 1st that rider can race the entire season in the 14-24 class even after they have turned 25 during the season. That same rider though cannot race in the 25+ class until their birthday that year.)
- 50-70cc: Open modifications up to 70cc 2-cycle 110 4-cycle (AGE 4-8 YEARS OLD) (Award all)
- 50-90 Limited Stock: 50-90 2-cycle,50-110 4-cycle (AGE 4-8) must be 7-8 to race 90, stock exhaust(may remove spark arrester) stock carb/intake stock motor that matches frame, no sway-bars, ANY TIRE ALLOWED (Award all) 50-90 Limited The 90 part of this class is limited to riders with less the 2 year experience (example first year racers) and limited to yard Quad. Referee subject to approval. (No factory race quads in 90cc part of the Limited Stock)
- 90 CVT: Open modifications 50-90 2-cycle,50-125 4-cycle(AGE 7-15) (Award-top 5)
- 90 Shifter: Open Modifications 50-90 2-Cycle, 50-125 4-Cycle, (age 7-15years) (Award top 5)
- Super Mini: Open modified 110cc 2 stroke/150cc 4 stroke (AGE 7-15) (Award-top 5), less than 4 this class will be ran with youth class scored separate
- YOUTH 200/400: Open modified (AGE 10-15) 2 stroke or 4 stroke Atv’s allowed. Cc’s max
-Pro 450: 200cc-450cc production (AGE 18+) Riders age 16-17 must meet the approval of the referee and the MWEDT OFFICIALS. Spec fuel class ($2000 payout,Min 12 if not 150% payback) Pro Riders are eligible to run in Open Pro and Pro-am.
-Pro Open: Open cc’s Single cylinder Motorcycle or atv engine on any frame combo. Hybrds are allowed. Frame must be ATV design and pass tech (AGE 18+) Riders age 16-17 must meet the approval of the referee and the MWEDT OFFICIALS. Spec fuel class ($2000payout,Min 12 if not 150% payback) Pro Open Riders are eligible to run in Pro and Pro-am
-Pro-Am riders: Open modified 200cc plus (AGE 15+) (80% money payout - 3:1 ratio)Spec fuel class, Eligible to race in Pro-lite, A class, Age classes /this must be second class
-Pro-am Outlaw Trikes: (80% payback) plus any added money, any size any rules must be safe and pass tech
-Pro-lite: (AGE 15+) 200-OPENcc ,(50% money payout - 3:1 ratio )
N0 AMA Pro’s, No MWEDT Pro’s, No NEEDT Pro’s (local pros allowed)
No MWEDT Pro-lite Past Points Champions
Riders are NOT eligible to run in Open B, or Open C , youth classes, while they are participating in this class./this must be second class
-Open A: (Age 15+) Open 200cc + “A” Class (Award Top 5)
-Open B: (Age 14+) Open 200cc+ , “B” Class, ( Award Top 5)
-All MWEDT Open B Class Points Champions must move up in classification the following year and current or past champions in this class are no longer eligible to run this class. Riders are NOT eligible to run in Pro, Pro-lite, Pro-am, or Open C Classes if participating in this class. If a rider moves upwards from this class during the MWEDT series (Pro-lite or Pro-am), they are no longer eligible to participate in this class for the remainder of
the season but may petition the MWEDT series to return to this class the following season. Local Pro riders will not be allowed to run this class.
-Open C: (Age 14+) Open 200cc+ “C” Class (trophy top 10) All MWEDT Current and past Open C champions must move upwards in classification the following season. “NO Sandbagging” A rider who participates in this class whose level of riding far exceeds the other riders can be asked to move up in classification by MWEDT officials during the course of the season. Riders are NOT eligible to run in Pro-am, Pro-lite, Open B and Pro if participating in this class. If a rider moves upwards in classification in the MWEDT series (Open B, Pro-lite, or Pro-Am) during the season they may not return to this class until the after the end of the season and must petition the MWEDT board to return to this class. Other series classification does not apply. Local Pro riders will not be allowed to run this class.
-Women's: Open- modified 200cc+ , Age 14+, Female only participants allowed,. (Award top 5) All Women racing must register in Women’s Class, 400cc and down are exempt from this rules as well as past Champions.
-2Stroke/400: any size vintage 2-cycle,up to 440cc 4-cycle no 450 de-stroke
-Age Groups: Open modified 200cc plus Classes: 14-24, 25+, 35+ (Award top 5)
- Eligible for all riders that fall within that age category at time of the race. Any rider deemed a “Pro” rider is not eligible to participate in these classes, all other riders are eligible for these classes.
- Riders age is based upon age at time of event and /or riders age as of January 1st of that year (see above)
-Trike Vintage ( Age 14+) Must have 5 or more riders to run this class separately or will be ran with trike outlaw scored separate
-Knobby no lowering, no swaybar
1. Machines may be used in multiple classes by the same rider provided that both rider and ATV meet the requirements of the class.
14. The use of Non-OE Metal fenders is prohibited.
Font and rear number plates are required ,front may be on hood as long as visible The numbers are recommended to be 6” block numbers, a minimum of 4” may be allowed. No shading or outlining is allowed. If the Referee deems a rider’s number plate is not clear enough for scoring, the rider must correct the plate. The number plates and numbers must have contrasting colors, be clear, legible, and have a professional appearance. Example: Single number 4", double numbers 5", triple numbers 6". Wood or metal number plates are prohibited. “Pro Riders” are recommended to use Blue backgrounds with White lettering.
Any disqualification/probation/suspension will be grounds of a written/verbal reponse and delivered to the rider or guardian. The rider has 10 days from when the letter was sent to appeal. The MWEDT will then review the appeal with a decision if needed.
05/15/2017 Amendment- Amateur laps subject to adjustment according to high rider count, track length, or time frame of the event.
2018 RULES
Pro-Lite $50.00
Pro Am $75.00
Pro $100.00
Gate Fees $15.00
Heats will be timed. The winner of the fastest heat will get first pick in the main, and the
winner of the next fastest heat will get second pick from the main, and so on ) Equal numbers of riders from each heat will transfer to the main, leaving a fewer
number to transfer from the LCQ’s. No more than 20 will participate in the main.
Any rider whose tire crosses the starting line before the start will be moved to the
penalty line, and the position left vacant on any subsequent start or restart of the race,
*(If push start is required, permission must be obtained from the referee or staging official to cross line prior to start).
or make repairs on their quad. The quad must remain on the track during this time, Mechanics are not allowed to wrench on the quad, but they can assist the rider with tooling, Riders, however,
A rider must be on the starting line or have a representative from his or her pit to call for 2 minutes. If no one is representing the rider the MWEDT official will announce for the rider. At the end of line up if the racer or his or her representative hasn’t showed up the race will start without them. If the racer shows up after line up is complete, racer will start at rear of line up.
A rider must cross the start line to be scored for race-heat and main. If the rider misses the heat as long as he’s signed up and quad was inspected he may race main from penalty row he will have last place starting position and receive no heat points no one else is allowed to sign the rider up but himself
Nobody but the racer/official in the designated starting area (excluding kid’s & women classes).
If a rider leaves the course for any reason they must reenter the track at the safest possible point nearest the point of exit, but not at a point where they can improve their position.
Cutting the course will be determined by a race official by going around obstacles etc. This infraction will be judged on a case by case basis.
If a race must be stopped because of a rider or riders obstructing the progress and safety of a race. That rider or riders will restart on penalty row or last place slots in single file start.
would have restarted or where they finished on the last full lap completed
the race track will result in immediate suspension from that event plus no less than one
additional MWEDT event.
CLASSES: All to be tech’d before raced
Pro Open
Pro-am Outlaw Trike
Open A
Open B
Open C
Any 2 stroke/400 cc 4-stroke
90 CVT
90 Shifter
50-90 Limted Stock
200-400 Youth (10-15yrs)
Trike Vintage
Support Classes (at certain events)
All to be tech’d before races
85cc Mod (7-15yrs)-must run dirt track tires that they normally run at that track
250cc Mod (14yrs and older)-must run dirt track tires that they normally run at that track
450cc Mod (14yrs and older)-must run dirt track tires that they normally run at that track
Youth Pit Bikes
Amateur Pit Bikes
- Youth and age group classes are based upon riders age as of rider January 1st and/or
time of event. (Example: if a rider is 24 years old on Jan. 1st that rider can race the entire
season in the 14-24 class even after they have turned 25 during the season. That same rider though cannot race in the 25+ class until their birthday that year.)
- 50-70cc – Open modifications up to 70cc 2-cycle 110 4-cycle (AGE 4-8 YEARS OLD) (Award all)
- 50-90 Limited Stock – 50-90 2-cycle ,50-110 4-cycle (AGE 4-8) must be 7-8 to race 90, stock exhaust(may remove spark arrester) stock carb/intake stock motor that matches frame, no swaybars ANY TIRE ALLOWED(Award all) 50-90 Limited The 90 part of this class is limited to riders with less the 2 year experience(example first year racers) and limited to yard Quad. Referee subject to approval. (No factory race quads in 90cc part of the Limited Stock)
- 90 CVT- Open modifications 50-90 2-cycle,50-125 4-cycle(AGE 7-15) (Award-top 5)
- 90 Shifter- Open modifications 50-90 2-cycle, 50-125 4-cycle(AGE 7-15) (Award-top 5)
*if not 4 entries class will be combined with 90cvt and scored seperate*
- Super Mini- Open modified 110cc 2 stroke/150cc 4 stroke (AGE 7-15) (Award-top 5), less than 4 this class will be ran with youth class scored separate
- YOUTH 200/400 – Open modified (AGE 10-15) 2 stroke or 4 stroke Atv’s allowed. Cc’s max
-Pro: 200cc-450cc production (AGE 18+) Riders age 16-17 must meet the approval of the referee and the MWEDT OFFICIALS. Spec fuel class($2000 + payout)Pro Riders are eligible to run in Pro-am
-Pro Open: Open cc's, Single cylinder motorcycle or atv engine on any frame combo. (Hybrds are allowed in this class) Frame must be of ATV design and pass tech. (AGE 18+) Riders age 16-17 must meet the approval of the referee and the MWEDT OFFICIALS. Spec fuel class (payout 150% payback) Pro Open Riders are eligible to run in Pro and Pro-am
-Pro-am riders: Open modified 200cc plus (AGE 15+) (80% money payout - 3:1 ratio) Eligible to race in Pro-lite, A class, Age classes /this must be second class
-Pro-am Outlaw Trikes: (80% payback) plus any added money, any size any rules must be safe and pass tech
-Pro-lite: (AGE 15+) 200-OPENcc ,(50% money payout - 3:1 ratio )
N0 AMA Pro’s, No MWEDT Pro’s, No NEEDT Pro’s (local pros allowed)
No MWEDT Pro-lite Past Points Champions
Riders are NOT eligible to run in Open B, or Open C , youth classes, while they are participating in this class./this must be second class
-Open A: (Age 15+) Open 200cc + “A” Class (Award Top 5)
-Open B: (Age 14+) Open 200cc+ , “B” Class, ( Award Top 5)
-All MWEDT Open B Class Points Champions must move up in classification the following year and current or past champions in this class are no longer eligible to run this class. Riders are NOT eligible to run in Pro, Pro-lite, Pro-am, or Open C Classes if participating in this class. If a rider moves upwards from this class during the MWEDT series (Pro-lite or Pro-am), they are no longer eligible to participate in this class for the remainder of
the season but may petition the MWEDT series to return to this class the following season. Local Pro riders will not be allowed to run this class.
-Open C: (Age 14+) Open 200cc+ “C” Class (trophy top 10)
- All MWEDT Current and past Open C champions must move upwards in classification the following season. “NO Sandbagging” A rider who participates in this class whose level of riding far exceeds the other riders can be asked to move up in classification by MWEDT officials during the course of the season. Riders are NOT eligible to run in Pro-am, Pro-lite, Open B and Pro if participating in this class. If a rider moves upwards in classification in the MWEDT series (Open B, Pro-lite, or Pro-Am) during the season they may not return to this class until the after the end of the season and must petition the MWEDT board to return to this class. Other series classification does not apply. Local Pro riders will not be allowed to run this class.
-Women's: Open- modified 200cc+ , Age 14+, Female only participants allowed,. (Award top 5) All Women racing must register in Women’s Class, 400cc and down are exempt from this rules as well as past Champions and any woman that was already competing in another class
-2Stroke/400 any size 2-cycle,up to 440cc 4-cycle no 450 de-stroke
-Age Groups: Open modified 200cc plus Classes: 14-24, 25+, 35+ (Award top 5)
- Eligible for all riders that fall within that age category at time of the race. Any rider deemed a “Pro” rider is not eligible to participate in these classes, all other riders are eligible for these classes.
- Riders age is based upon age at time of event and /or riders age as of January 1st of
that year (see above)
-Trike Vintage ( Age 14+) Must have 5 or more riders to run this class separately or will be ran with trike outlaw scored separate
-Knobby no lowering, no swaybar
1. Machines may be used in multiple classes by the same rider provided that both rider and ATV meet the requirements of the class.
2. All machines must be class legal each time they pull up to the starting line or be subject to disqualification. A rider may change machines between races as long as the replacement is class legal. If a machine is changed after qualifying (heats) that rider will get the last gate pick for the main event. Starting position will be 24’ behind the last occupied line or the penalty line. Once a race is started, there can be no changing of machines. START OF RACE will be defined as FIRST ATTEMPTED START, even if it results in a complete restart. If you switch bikes (before the start of the main event) it also has to be approved by the referee or the rider will be subject for disqualification for that race.
3. Production Classes: Stock frame and ATV engine cases from the original manufacturer of that make and model must be used. OEM frames may have material added for strength. These changes shall not affect frame geometry. Only bolt-on components allowed.
4. All youth riders must fit the ATV. With rider in normal riding position with hands on
handlebars, there must be a bend in the elbows, fingers much reach all control levers. Rider in a standing position on foot pegs must have 3 inches of space between seat and rider inseam.
5. Safety Equipment and Machine Eligibility are the sole responsibility of the rider. After
registration and prior to practice, a mandatory courtesy inspection will be performed at each event to check number plates and numbers, tether cord, kill switch, nerf bars and machine width (51”). Random equipment inspections may be done and may include, but not limited to, fuel, sound, width, and displacement. If a machine does not pass inspection, it will not be allowed to compete.
6. All ATV’s must use petroleum-based gasoline. No alcohol allowed.
7. An engine may be bored or stroked, to change displacement classes, but must not exceed the class limit. Example: 400cc engine may be increased to a maximum of 450cc. There is no .080 inches overbore allowed, over the class limit. No downsizing in Youth Classes. Only atv or dirt bike motors are allowed. No street bike or other motors allowed.
8. All ATV’s much have dirt track tires (except 50cc, 70cc and Knobby classes as per tracks discretion), nerf bars or suitable floorboards, working tether cord, maximum width of 51”, all glass much be covered, control levers must have ball ends, and axle nuts must have cotter pins or clips.
9. At the Referee’s discretion, the number of laps for Heats and Mains may be changed if track or weather conditions warrant.
10. Classes with 5 or less riders may be combined with 2nd class. Race will have one (1)
start with fastest class starting on Row 1 and slower class starting on Row 2./if it’s a equal class they will be combined in normal starting procedure and scored separate
11. Racers (including crew members) are not allowed to do any shoveling or sweeping at the starting line. After bringing their machine to the starting line, RACERS ONLY, are allowed to use hands or feet to clear his start spot, BEHIND START LINE. Mechanics are only allowed to an area behind the starting line to assist. They are not allowed in the starting area. The 2-minute rule still applies.
12. Any rider protest must be completed in writing within 30 minutes of the race being complete (if the protest is from the heat race, the atv will be impounded. The rider and pit crew will still able to work under referee/official supervision and will be able to race remaining heat races and mains unless visible illegal) with riders name, class, race number and discrepancy. Along with the protestors printed name and signature. Protesting party must pay $350.00 for protest, the $300.00 goes to the winning party after the protest has been resolved.*The protesting party will also have to pay a $50 non-refundable fee to a mechanic approved by the protested party and MWEDT official to perform the tear down with MWEDT personnel present. Rider refusal to a protest is automatic disqualification. Any racer in the same class can protest. Parents are allowed to do so if the rider is under 18.
13. Any race motor or race quad can be subject to inspection at any time throughout
the race weekend by the Referee.
14. The use of Non-OE Metal fenders is prohibited.
Font and rear number plates are required ,front may be on hood as long as visible The numbers are recommended to be 6” block numbers, a minimum of 4” may be allowed. No shading or outlining is allowed. If the Referee deems a rider’s number plate is not clear enough for scoring, the rider must correct the plate. The number plates and numbers must have contrasting colors, be clear, legible, and have a professional appearance. Example: Single number 4", double numbers 5", triple numbers 6". Wood or metal number plates are prohibited. “Pro Riders” are recommended to use Blue backgrounds with White lettering.
05/15/2017 Amendment- Amateur laps subject to adjustment according to high rider count, track length, or time frame of the event.